Cutting attachment guardIn countries that have a warm and dry
climate there is a significant risk of fire.
We therefore fit certain mufflers with a spark
arrestor mesh. Check whether the muffler
on your machine is fitted with this kind of
This guard is intended to prevent loosemesh.
objects from being thrown towards the
operator. The guard also protects the
operator from accidental contact with theMuffler bolts
cutting attachment.
For mufflers, it is very important that you
follow the instructions on checking, main-
Check that the guard is undamaged and nottaining, and servicing your machine.
cracked. Replace the guard if it has beenNever use a machine that has a faulty
exposed to impact or is cracked.muffler.
Always use the recommended guard for the
cutting attachment you are using. See the
?Technical data? section.
attachment without an approved
guard. See the section on ?TechnicalRegularly check that the muffler is securely
data?. If an incorrect or faulty guardattached to the machine.
is fitted this can cause serious
personal injury.
Use of incorrectly wound trimmer line or an
incorrect cutting attachment increases the
level of vibration.
vibration can lead to circulatory
damage or nerve damage in peopleWARNING:Mufflersgetveryhot
during use and remain so for some
who have impaired circulation.time after stopping. This also ap-
Contact your doctor if you experi-plies at idle speed. Contact can re-
ence symptoms of overexposure to
vibration. Such symptoms includesult in burns to the skin. Remember
numbness, loss of feeling, tingling,theriskof fire!
pricking, pain, loss of strength,
changes in skin color or condition.muffler contain chemicals that may
These symptoms normally appear
in the fingers, hands or wrists. Thebe carcinogenic. Avoid contact with
risk increases at low temperatures.these elements in the event of a
damaged muffler.
Engine exhaust fumes contain car-
bon monoxide, which can cause
carbon monoxide poisoning. For
this reason you should not start or
The muffler is designed to reduce the noiserun the machine indoors, or any-
level and to direct the exhaust gases awaywhere that is poorly ventilated.
from the operator.
The exhaust fumes from the engine
are hot and may contain sparks
which can start a fire. Never start
the machine indoors or near com-
bustible material!
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