Note!To send a message, you must enter a 10-digit number (unless Auto Note!Update allows you to replace a previously sent message if the
Prefix is enabled).recipient has not yet read the original message and has a phone
that supports this option. If the previously sent message was
already read, then the updated message appears as a new message
Canned Message allows you to use the 10 editable templates instead to the recipient.
of creating an original message. For example, a canned message is ?I
will be <____> late for <____> on <____>.? You can edit the canned
message text by scrolling to the blanks in the message using the or The Memory Used submenu displays the percentage of the phone?s
key to quickly fill in the necessary information.memory that is locked and the percentage of the phone?s memory
Once you have entered the text you want included in your SMS, that is deletable.
press . You will be prompted with Send Now? to confirm that Note!Messages that are not locked will automatically be deleted if more
you are ready to send the message. Press to send the message or room is needed in order to create space for an incoming message,
to save the message as a draft.newly created message, or modified message. See ?Auto Deletion?
on page 11.
The Unsent submenu allows you to display a list of saved draft
messages and messages that were not successfully sent. They are The Delete submenu allows you to erase all of your text messages by
displayed with the subject, if available, or the first few words of text group. You can select a group of messages to delete by pressing or -
in the order in which they were created. You can scroll through the to check or uncheck the checkbox next to the group of messages you
list of messages by using the or key. The three options for a want to delete. The four options for the Delete submenu are Sent,
selected message in the Unsent submenu are Send, Edit, and Delete.Read, Unsent, and Unread.
Note!You will be prompted to enter your PIN to enter the Delete
submenu. The Sent and Read message groups are checked by
The Sent submenu allows you to display a list of sent messages. The default. Locked messages will also be deleted from the folder.
message list is displayed with the subject, if available, or the first few
words of the messages in the order they were sent. You can scroll
through the list of messages by using the or key. The five
options for a selected message in the Sent submenu are Resend, Use the Options submenu to specify delivery preferences to be used
Forward, Delete, Update, and Lock/Unlock.every time you send a message. You can override these defaults by
pressing when you are prompted with Use default
& !"
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