TroubleAction to be taken
(3) LightAt the scanner
Check the following components:
- CIS unit
- Main PCB
At the printer side
lReplace the toner cartridge with a new one and print 4 to 5
pages. If the problem persists, proceed to the next step.
lRemove the toner cartridge and start printing. If printing
takes place, clean the toner sensor or replace the toner
sensor PCB.
lClean the high-voltage contacts for the transfer roller on the
drum unit, main cover, and high-voltage power supply PCB.
(Contacts ? in the illustration given on page VI-21)
lClean the high-voltage contacts for the developer roller on
the drum unit, main cover, and high-voltage power supply
PCB. (Contacts ? in the illustration given on page VI-21)
lClean the grounding contacts on the drum unit, gear drive
unit, and main cover. (Contacts ? and ? in the illustration
given on page VI-21)
lCheck the connection of the main-high-voltage flat cable.
lReplace the drum unit.
lReplace the high-voltage power supply PCB.
lReplace the main PCB.
(4) DarkAt the scanner
Check the following components:
- CIS unit
- Main PCB
At the printer side
lSlide the wire cleaner tab to clean the corona wire inside the
drum unit.
lClean the high-voltage contacts for the grid and corona wire
on the drum unit, main cover, and high-voltage power supply
PCB. (Contacts ? and ? in the illustration given on page
lReplace the drum unit.
VI - 17 |