4 - Recorder
Deleting unused space from a song
As we explained earlier, a song does not consist of To free up this disk space, once you?ve made all your
just the recorded audio, but also of the ?playlist? and edit decisions (there?s no undo on this):
the recorded but unused parts of the song.
1Press the MENU key and use the cursor keys to
By ?unused?, we mean parts of a song which have highlight the SONG item. Press ENTER.
been completely overwritten by other parts. If the
start or end or both of a new part extends beyond the 2At the SONG menu, use the cursor keys to high-
light the DELETE UNUSED option. Press ENTER.
start or end of a new part, it will not be deleted in this
operation.3The 2488 asks you if you are sure. If you want
to delete all the unused portions of the song,
press YES. If you have second thoughts, press New guitar solo over the old
Old guitar solo (will be deleted)
New guitar solo over the oldNOTE
Although there is no undo operation here, and you lose Old guitar solo (will not be deleted)
all the unused parts of the song permanently, you can
back up the song to CD-R, before performing this
?cleanup? operation. If you change your mind later on, New guitar solo over the old
Old guitar solo (will not be deleted)you can restore this backed up version.
Remember that you cannot undo this operation.
A virtual track which is not currently assigned as an
active track does not count as ?unused? here.
Protecting a song
When a song is protected, recording is not possible Only the currently-loaded song can be protected or
(the track REC keys are disabled), it cannot be edited unprotected at any one time (though, of course, songs
using the track editing functions, and it cannot be stored on the disk can be stored as protected or
erased, etc. using the SONG menu.unprotected).
It is also impossible to set or edit location marks 1Press the MENU key and use the cursor keys to
except the IN and OUT points for repeat operations, highlight the SONG item. Press ENTER.
or to permanently reassign virtual tracks. Virtual
tracks can be assigned for audition purposes, but not 2At the SONG menu, use the cursor keys to high-
permanently saved.light the PROTECT option. Press ENTER.
In operations which show a list of available songs 3Use the wheel to set the protection ON or OFF,
(for instance, loading a song), any protected songs and press ENTER to confirm the setting.
have a small padlock icon beside the song title.
38 TASCAM 2488 User?s Guide |