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TEAC 2488 Instruction Manual


TEAC 2488 - It's a complete owner's manual ( also known as operating manual or user guide), and it's in PDF format. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. See below for delivery information

The manual is available only in language(s): English

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 21 November, 2007.
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pascal grandjean - 11/02/2009 5 of 5 Stars!
Excellent service. Service manuel conforme. C'est parfait. Merci!
Mark Tarkett -  5 of 5 Stars!
Excellent service, good price, products are excellent. Will do business with this vendor again.
Patrick Guice - 04/23/2008 5 of 5 Stars!
Phenomal manual great resoulution and very legible. Will become very helpfull in future for parts and service.
Paul Brady - 01/03/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Talk about a lifesaver!!!!!!!!!!!! This schematic will also work for the Radio Shack DX-392. This is the full blown service manual complete with alignment instructions, schematics, and parts lists.
James Thorp - 12/28/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Great original Yamaha manual and no problems at all with the ordering process. Will definitely use this website again and would recommend it to anyone else. James Thorp

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4 - Recorder
Erasing a song
To free up space on a disk partition, and delete a song 4Press YES to erase the selected song(s).
or songs, you should perform the following opera-5The 2488 asks you if you are sure. Press YES if
you really are sure that you want to erase
1Press the MENU key and use the cursor keys to these songs.
highlight the SONG item. Press ENTER.NOTE
2At the SONG menu, use the cursor keys to high-This operation cannot be undone. Erasing songs is a
light the ERASE option. Press ENTER.permanent operation. Always think carefully before
3Select the song or songs to be erased using the you erase a song or songs.
wheel to highlight the songs and the INSERT This menu can erase only the songs stored on the cur-
key to place a check mark () beside them.rently-selected partition. If you want to erase a song or
songs from another partition, you must select it first.
If you select a song for erasure by accident,
use the DELETE key to deselect it.If you have selected all the songs on a partition for era-
sure, a new song will automatically be created after all
the existing songs have been erased.
Copying songs
As well as copying songs, so that you can work on 5Use the wheel to select the partition to which
another version of them, you can also use this menu the selection will be copied, and press ENTER.
item as a tool to back up songs to another partition 6The 2488 asks you if you are sure that you
(you can also back up to CD-R, but this is a separate
want to make the copy. Press YES to continue
process).with the operation, and NO to cancel.
1Press the MENU key and use the cursor keys to NOTE
highlight the SONG item. Press ENTER.
Copying a song may take some time. Be patient while
2At the SONG menu, use the cursor keys to high-the song is being copied, and take care not to power
light the COPY option. Press ENTER.down the 2488 in the middle of a copy operation.
3Select the song or songs to be copied using the If you copy a song to the partition where it was origi-
wheel to highlight the songs and the INSERT nally stored, it will be copied with the same title as orig-
key to place a check mark () beside them.inally, so the list will contain two songs with the same
title. If you want two copies of the same song on one
If you select a song for copying by accident, partition, you should rename one of the copies immedi-
use the DELETE key to deselect it.ately after the copy operation has been carried out.
4When all the songs to be copied have been When you make the selection for copying, only those
marked, press the ENTER key. A list of all the songs in the currently-selected partition are listed. If
you need to back up from many different partitions,
currently-available partitions is must select each partition in turn and then select
the songs on the selected partition.
TASCAM 2488 User?s Guide 37
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