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SONY DRMV1S Instruction Manual


SONY DRMV1S - It's a complete owner's manual ( also known as operating manual or user guide), and it's in PDF format. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. See below for delivery information

The manual is available only in language(s): English

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 07 May, 2007.
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Roger Mason - 07/28/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Man, I was looking for this manual for a while! Where do You get them?;) Of course, quality is goooood:) Anyway, I can only say: A+A+A+!
Steve Fink - 07/24/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Nice, really nice. I was happy to receive manual in true electronic form, instead of scanned original. This manual includes: Wiring diagram, circuit diagram, block diagram, PC board, adjustment, exploded view, PARTS CATALOG and more.. It's full color manual, not B&W or grayscale :)
Glen Meyer - 10/26/2008 3 of 5 Stars!
Very fast service, manual is well scanned and clear, but the Appendix A containing PC Command table and Control codes are missing
Krzysztof Mazurek - 11/27/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Super ! Szukałem wszędzie i tutaj po 10 minutach miałem schemat w swoim PC.
HIROSHI EMOTO - 11/29/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Very fast service and a good documents. Thank you.

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Click to see text excerpt from the manual
Filename [] Page 59 Tuesday, February 24, 2004 12:53 PMMasterpage:Right+
EN 59
6Find the point where you want the moved scene to begin, then Play Back Play List
press ENTER with the arrow on ?IN?. The edit-in time is fixed and
the elapsed playing time starts counting again.1Perform steps 1 to 3 of ?Create Play List? (pg.58) before
7Find the point where you want the moved scene to end, then continuing.
press ENTER with the arrow on ?OUT?. The edit-out time is fixed.2Press we to select the index
8Press 4 to start playback.(small still pictures) of the desired
play list.
9Find the point where you want the moved scene to be moved, I When you want the plural play lists
then press ENTER with the arrow on ?MOVE TO?.to be played back continuously,
I Press 3, 4, 5, 2, 6 or 9 to find the edit-in, edit-out and
move-to MEMO after selecting the CREATE
desired play lists. The numbers of
10Press we to select ?PREVIEW?, then press ENTER to the playback order appear on the
preview the part approximately 5 seconds before and after the index. You can select up to 30 play
point to which the scene has been moved.lists.
11Press we to select ?EXECUTE?, then press ENTER. The I When you want to correct the order, move the arrow on the desired
selected scene is moved.index and press MEMO. The number disappears and the unit re-
numbers the other play lists automatically.
To modify the pointsI When you want to cancel the order, press CLEAR (8).
A Press we to select ?CLEAR?, then press ENTER.
3Press ENTER or SELECT (4) to start playback. The playback
B Repeat steps 5 - 11 as necessary.starts.
12Press NAVIGATION to return to the normal screen.
4Press 9 to pause playback.
NOTE:I To resume normal playback, press 4.
There may be a discrepancy of several seconds between the scene you 5Press 8 to stop playback.
intend to edit, and the scene which is actually edited.
Delete Play List
Delete Unwanted Part From Play List
1Perform steps 1 to 3 of ?Create Play List? (pg.58) before
1Perform steps 1 to 3 of ?Create Play List? (pg.58) before
2Press we to select one play list you want to delete, then press
2Press we to select a play list from which you wish to delete
unwanted parts, then press t.t.
3Press we to select ?DELETE?, then press ENTER.
3Press we to select ?EDITING?, then press ENTER.
4Press we to select ?YES?, then press ENTER.
4Press we to select ?DELETE I When you cancel the deletion, select ?NO?, then press ENTER.
SCENE?, then press ENTER.
5Press NAVIGATION to return to the normal screen.
5Press 4 to start playback. The NOTE:
playback pictures appear in the
window on the screen. The Even if a play list is deleted, the programs recorded on a DVD disc and
elapsed playing time starts the library information are not affected at all.
counting with the arrow on ?IN?.
I To locate the beginning of other Modify Index
titles, press 2/6.A Perform steps 1 to 3 of ?Create Play List? ( pg. 58) before
6Find the point where you want the deletion to begin, then press continuing.
ENTER with the arrow on ?IN?. The edit-in time is fixed and the B Perform steps 3 to 8 of ?Modify Index? ( pg. 56).
elapsed playing time starts counting again.
7Find the point where you want the deletion to end, then press Modify Program Title
ENTER with the arrow on ?OUT?. The edit-out time is fixed.A Perform steps 1 to 3 of ?Create Play List? ( pg. 58) before
I Press 3, 4, 5, 2, 6 or 9 to find the edit-in and edit-out
B Press rt w e to select one program you want to modify, then
8Press we to select ?PREVIEW?, then press ENTER to preview press t.
the scene approximately 5 seconds before and after the deleted C Perform steps 2 to 7 of ?Modify Program Name? ( pg. 57).
9Press we to select ?EXECUTE?, then press ENTER. The Modify Category
selected scene is deleted.
A Perform steps 1 to 3 of ?Create Play List? ( pg. 58) before
To modify the pointscontinuing.
A Press we to select ?CLEAR?, then press ENTER.B Press rt w e to select one program you want to modify, then
B Repeat steps 5 - t.
10Press NAVIGATION to return to the normal screen.C Perform steps 2 to 6 of ?Modify Category? ( pg. 57).
There may be a discrepancy of several seconds between the scene you
intend to edit, and the scene which is actually edited.
Page 59February 23, 2004 3:27 pm
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