5-1 Overview of Shot Mark/Shot Data Function
Chapter 5 Shot Mark/Shot Data
This unit can record shot marks or use shot marks(5) Sorting shot marks
recorded with Betacam SX camcorders (shot markerEach time that marks are read in, they are sorted and
function). The shot mark function enables quick accessdisplayed in a list. When shot data is recorded, you can
to the marked points, for efficient editing.sort the marks to display which cassette they were read
When shot data is recorded on the tape, you canfrom. You can also sort shot marks by timecode. If two
display the data and make use of it for sorting shotmarks with the identical timecode are read, one of the
marks.marks is deleted.
(6) Cueing up shot marks
5-1-1 Shot Mark Function
You can cue up a shot mark by selecting it from the
shot mark list. You can also cue up a shot mark located
close to the current position (index function).
The shot mark function has the following features.
(1) Listing shot mark types and timecodes
There are four types of shot marks: REC Start (R),
Shot Mark 1 (S1), Shot Mark 2 (S2) and Post Mark
(mark added with this unit).
The unit memorizes the mark type and the timecode
(LTC) for the mark position for MARK/UP to 200
marks read from a tape. Once the marks have beenChapter 5 Shot Mark/Shot Data
memorized, they remain in memory even when the
unit is powered off. You can display the list of shot
marks on the monitor. You can also use the Shot Mark
Operation menu to create shot mark lists by reading in
only the specified shot mark types, and delete all or a
part of data in a list when it is no longer needed.
For more information about shot marks, refer to the
Operation Manual of your Betacam SX camcorder.
(2) Writing and deleting shot marks
You can use the Shot Mark Operation menu to specify
whether REC Start marks are recorded. You can write
additional shot marks at any position on the tape and
delete individual marks that are no longer needed.
(3) Creating virtual shot marks
You can add virtual shot marks to the shot mark list
during playback or search. (They are not recorded on
the tape.)
(4) Inserting memo marks
You can place a memo mark (#) on shot marks that
you want to remember.
Chapter 5 Shot Mark/Shot Data5-1 |