2-7 Submenu
Information about the settings and operating status of
the unit is displayed in the FL display panel.
2-7-1 Displays on the Home Page of the Submenu
The home page of the submenu is displayed when you
Chapter 2 Preparations
power the unit on.
1 Channel condition/input video level display
2 Time data display
3 VITC/LTC display
4 525/625 display
5 Cassette type and remaining tape
time display
6 Remaining battery power
Time data01 : 23 : 45 : 01
display area
PAGE button
Operation button F4
0 Source video signal displaya)
Operation button F3
9 VITC ON/OFF display
Operation button F2
8 VITC/LTC/AUTO display
Operation button F1
7 Audio settings page displaya) PREROLL is displayed when the SHIFT button is pressed.
1 Channel condition/input video level displayPRE-R: Displayed when PREREAD on video setting
Depending on the unitOs operating status, one of thepage 1/2 is set to ON. During playback, the
following is displayed here.playback condition is displayed on a scale of three
COND: Displayed during playback. The playbacklevels. When using composite video in E-E mode,
condition is displayed on a scale of three levels.the video level is displayed on a scale of nine
CONFI: Displayed during crash recording when thelevels.
CONFI is set to ON in video settings page 1/2 (see
page 2-22). The playback condition of recorded2 Time data display
signals is displayed on a scale of three levels.Displays the time data and its type.
VIDEO: Displayed in E-E mode. When usingTC: Timecode
composite video, the video level is displayed on aUB: User bits
scale of nine levels.No display: CTL
2-16Chapter 2Preparations |