To lock the buttonsPlaying a CD in a carWhen to replace the dry batteriesOn dry and rechargeable batteriesNo sound, or noise is heard.Supplied accessories
3Connect the AC power adaptor.
You can lock your player against anyConnecting to otherYou can use your player in a car byWhen the battery becomes weak, This player is designed so that it cannot chargeThe indication OCHG� lights up. Chargem Connect the plugs firmly.For the area code of the model you purchased,
accidental operations.connecting it to the car cassette deck.indication appears in the display. If theany other rechargeable batteries or dry batteriesm Plugs are dirty. Clean the plugs with a drycheck the upper left side of the bar code on the
stereo equipmentfor about 4 hours.
You can still operate the player with thebatteries are used up, OLo ba � appears infor safety reasons.soft cloth periodically.package.
You cannot use the car mount plate for this(If the battery has been already charged,D-E561
remote control.the display. Replace all the batteries with new
player.OCHGO and flash. )Rechargeable batteries NH-DM2AA/NC-DMAAAC power adaptor (1)
You can listen to the CD through other stereoones.OHl dc ln� appears in the display.
When you use the player in a car, install itHeadphones (1)
equipment or record a CD on a cassette tape orm Use only the supplied AC power adaptor
securely in a location which does not interfereD-E565
a MiniDisc. Refer to the instruction manual ofNotesor AC power adaptor AC-E45HG (not
your driving.supplied).AC power adaptor (1)
the other equipment for details. Before makingYDo not charge the dry batteries.
m Use only the car battery cord listed in theHeadphones with remote control (1)
connections, turn off each piece of equipment.To connect your player to a car cassette deck,YDo not mix new batteries with old ones.
Other rechargeable batteries or dry batteriesoptional accessories.Rechargeable batteries (2)
you need the following accessories:YDo not use different types of batteries together.
Battery carrying case (1)
Using the connecting cordYCar connecting packYWhen the batteries are not to be used for a long
OHold� appears in the display when
YCar battery cordtime, remove them.Design and specifications are subject to change
or,YIf the battery leakage occurs, wipe off anyyou press a button.without notice.
deposit in the battery compartment, and installm The buttons are locked. Slide HOLD back.
YCar battery cord with car connecting packWhen you replace the rechargeable batteries
DC IN 4.5 Vnew batteries.
Refer to the instruction manual of eachwith new ones, make sure to use the NH-For US customers
LINE OUTaccessory for details.DM2AA/NC-DMAA rechargeable batteries.OLo ba � appears in the displayAC power adaptor supplied is not intended to be
Battery life (approx. hours) (EIAJ*)
(OPTICAL)when you press a button.serviced. Should the AC power adaptor cease to
Battery life varies depending on how the
Slide HOLD in the direction of the arrow.NotesYDo not throw the batteries into fire.m The rechargeable batteries are used upfunction in its intended manner, during the
player is used.
When you press any button, OHold� appears inY Do not put the player on the dashboard.YDo not carry the batteries with coins or othercompletely. Connect the AC powerwarranty period, the adaptor should be returned
the display and you cannot operate the player.Y Do not leave the player in a car parked underAC power adaptormetallic objects. It can generate heat if theadaptor and charge the your nearest Sony Service Center or Sony
When usingESP function
Connecting cordsunlight.positive and negative terminals of the batterym The dry batteries are use up. Replace themAuthorized Repair Center for replacement, or
RK-G129HGY Use a Sony car connecting pack for reducingare accidentally contacted by a metallic object.with new ones.after warranty period, it should be discarded.
To unlock, slide HOLD back.
noise.YDo not mix rechargeable batteries with dryLeft (white)
Two NH-DM2AA1211
Y Use only the car battery cord listed in thebatteries.The battery life is short.Optional accessories
To protect your hearing (AVLS)(charged for
Right (red)optional accessories. If you use any other carm Manganese batteries are used. Use alkalineCar connecting pack CPA-9
The AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiterabout 4 hours**)
LINE IN orbattery cord, smoke, fire or malfunction mayOn the playerbatteries.Car battery cord with car connecting pack
System) function keeps down the maximum
REC INoccur.YKeep the lens on the player clean and do notm Replace the batteries with new ones.DCC-E26CP
volume to protect your a wall outletTwo NC-DMAA 7 6touch it. If you do so, the lens may beCar battery cord DCC-E245
Stereo system,
Switched ignition function4When fully charged, OCHG� disappears.(charged fordamaged and the player will not operateThe volume is limited to a certainActive speaker system SRS-A21
cassette recorder,
(when using the car battery cord)Disconnect the AC power adaptor.about 4 hours**)properly.level even if you attempt to turn itRechargeable battery NH-DM2AA,
radio cassette
With this feature, your player stopsYDo not put any heavy object on top of theup.NC-DMAA (2P)
recorder, etc.
automatically when you turn off the engine ofTwo Sony alkaline2018player. The player and the CD may beTo take out the rechargeablem AVLS selector is set to LIMIT. Set it toConnecting cord RK-G129HG, RK-G136HG
the car. (This function is not possible withbatteries LR6SGdamaged.batteriesNORM.Optical digital connecting cord POC-5B, POC-
NoteYDo not leave the player in a location near heat10B, POC-15B, POC-5AB, POC-10AB, POC-15AB
some cars depending on the model).m The earphones are connected to the LINE
YWhen you use a connecting cord, the SOUNDTake out the batteries in the proper way assources, or in a place subject to direct sunlight,AC power adaptor AC-E45HG
OUT jack. Connect them to the 2/
function will be disabled.illustrated inside the lid or shown below.*Measured value by the standard of EIAJexcessive dust or sand, moisture, rain,Stereo headphones MDR-35, MDR-E848LP*
REMOTE jack.
(Electronic Industries Association of Japan)mechanical shock, unleveled surface, or in a car* For the customers supplied with the
(When you use the player on a flat and stablewith its windows closed.
headphones with remote control:
Using the optical digitalUsing the remote controlplace; When you do not use the optical digitalDuring recording with optical
YIf the player causes interference to the radio orWhen connecting optional headphones to
connecting cordconnecting cord)television reception, turn off the player ordigital connection, the track numberthe supplied remote control, use only
**Charging time varies depending on how themove it away from the radio or television.cannot be recorded correctly.headphones with stereo miniplugs. You
For the customers supplied with the
rechargeable battery is used.YDo not wrap the player in a cloth or blanketm Record the track number again using thecannot use headphones with micro plugs.
remote control:
MiniDisc recorder, DAT recorder, etc.
during use as it may cause malfunction or
Set AVLS to LIMIT.(rear)You can use the remote control as the wiredm Record again according to the procedure
How to attach the batteryserious accidents.
The AVLS indication appears.remote control.shown in the section OConnecting to other
LINE OUTcompartment lid
stereo equipment.�
(OPTICAL)p (stop)HOLD**When to charge the rechargeableIf the battery compartment lid is detached byOn headphones/earphones
an accidental drop, excessive force, etc.,Road safety
= (AMS*/batteries
attach it as illustrated in the numbered order.Do not use headphones/earphones while
search)When the rechargeable batteries become
Headphonesdriving, cycling, or operating any motorizedStereo miniplugMicro plug
weak, indication appears in the display.
Remote controlvehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and isSpecifications
NoteOptical digitalillegal in some areas. It can also be potentiallyIf the OLo ba � appears in the display,Your dealer may not handle some of the above
YIf you use the SOUND function and the AVLSconnecting cordcharge the rechargeable batteries, because thelisted accessories. Please ask the dealer for
dangerous to play your headsets at high volume
function at the same time, sound may bebatteries are used up.CD player sectiondetailed information about the accessories in
POC-5Bwhile walking, especially at pedestrian crossings.
distorted. If this happens, turn down theTo keep the original battery capacity for aSystemyour country.
(not supplied)You should exercise extreme caution or
volume.long time, recharge the batteries when theCompact disc digital audio system
discontinue use in potentially hazardous
batteries are used up (discharged).situations.Laser diode properties
To resume playing from the pointMaterial: GaAlAs
search)VOL (volume)
you stopped the CD (Resume Play)When carrying the rechargeablePreventing hearing damageWavelength: l = 780 nm
Normally, every time you stop and play,batteryAvoid using headphones/earphones at highMiniDisc recorder* Automatic Music SensorEmission duration: Continuous
DAT deck, etc.
playing starts from the beginning of the CD.Make sure to use the supplied batteryvolume. Hearing experts advise against** When you are not using the remote control,Laser output: Less than 44.6 ?W (This output
is the value measured at a distance of 200
The resume play function, however, lets youcarrying case (D-E565 only) or optionalcontinuous, loud and extended play. If youslide HOLD in the direction of the arrow to
prevent any accidental from the objective lens surface on the
listen to from the point at which you lastbattery carrying case (supplied with theexperience a ringing in your ears, reduce volume
To unlock, slide HOLD back.optical pick-up block with 7 mm aperture. )
turned off the player.rechargeable battery).*If the OPTICAL (DIGITAL) IN jack is square-or discontinue use.
shaped, use the POC-5AB optical digitalError correction
If you carry the rechargeable battery with azAdditional Information
connecting cord instead.NoteSony Super Strategy Cross Interleave Reed
metal object, short circuit, smoke or fire mayCaring for othersSolomon Code
Y Use only the supplied remote control. You
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will
Notes on connecting to other stereocannot operate this player with the remoteallow you to hear outside sounds and to beD-A conversion
equipmentconsiderate to the people around you.control supplied with other models1-bit quartz time-axis control
NotesFrequency response
YBefore you play the CD, turn down the volume
Y Charging time varies depending on how the20 - 20,000 Hz +1dB (measured by EIAJ CP-
of the connected equipment so as not toOn safety�2
rechargeable battery is used.307)
damage the connected speakers.YShould any solid objects or liquid fall into the
Y If the battery is new or has not been used for aOutput (at 4.5 V input level)
YThe beep sound is not output from the LINEzPower Sourcesplayer, unplug it and have it checked by
long time, it may not be charged completelyMaintenanceHeadphones (stereo minijack)
OUT (OPTICAL) jack.qualified personnel before operating it any
until you charge and discharge it several times.Approx. 15 mW + approx. 15 mW
YWhen you connect other equipment to thefurther.
Y If the battery life becomes shorter by aboutat 16 ohms
LINE OUT (OPTICAL) jack of this player,YDo not put any foreign objects in the DC INTo clean the casing
Using rechargeablehalf, replace it with Sony NH-DM2AA/NC-Line output (stereo minijack)
adjust the volume on the connected equipment.4.5 V (external power input) jack.
DMAA rechargeable battery. Do not use anyUse a soft cloth slightly moistened in water or aOutput level 0.7 V rms at 47 kilohms
YWhen you record a CD on a cassette tape usingbatteries(rear)
other rechargeable battery.mild detergent solution. Do not use alcohol,Recommended load impedance over 10
a tape recorder that has the blank searchOn power sourcesbenzine or thinner.
Set RESUME to ON.function, release the ESP function. If the ESPYWhen you are not using the player for a long
Charge the rechargeable batteries beforeOptical digital output (optical output connector)
function is on, the blank search function doestime, disconnect all power sources from the
To cancel resume play, set RESUME to OFF.using them for the first time.Output level: �21 - �15 dBm
not work.player.
Use the NH-DM2AA or NC-DMAAWavelength: 630 - 690 nm at peak level
NotesYUse the AC power adaptor for recording. IfUsing dry batteries
rechargeable batteries for this player. YouTroubleshooting
you use the rechargeable batteries or dryYEven if RESUME is set to ON, playing startsOn the AC power adaptorGeneral
cannot use any other rechargeable batteries.
from the beginning when you open the lid.batteries as a power source, batteries mayYUse only the supplied AC power adaptor. IfPower requirements
Insert the batteries properly in the same way
YThe resume point may be inaccurate by aboutbecome weak during recording.your player is not supplied with it, use AC-Should any problem persist after you have madeFor the area code of the model you purchased,
30 seconds.E45HG AC power adaptor. Do not use anythese checks, consult your nearest Sony dealer.1Open the lid of the battery the rechargeable batteries.check the upper left side of the bar code on the
Recording with optical digitalother AC power adaptor.package.
1Disconnect the AC power adaptor andThe CD does not play or Ono dlSC�
To turn off the beepconnectionY Two Sony NH-DM2AA rechargeable
open the lid of the battery compartment.appears in the display though a CD
Record a CD on a MiniDisc, DAT, etc., accordingYou can turn off the beep that sounds as youbatteries: 2.4 V DC
Polarity of the plug
to the following placed in the player.operate your player.Two Sony NC-DMAA rechargeable
1 Press ^ on the player to start play.2Insert two LR6 (size AA) alkalinem The CD is dirty or defective.batteries: 2.4 V DC
Disconnect the power source (AC powerbatteries by matching the � and O to them Insert the CD with the label side up.
2 Press ^ again to pause.Y Two LR6 (size AA) batteries: 3 V DC
adaptor, rechargeable battery or alkaline3 Press =/+ to select the track you want todiagram inside the battery compartmentYTo unplug the AC power adaptor from them Moisture condensation has occurred.Y AC power adaptor (DC IN 4.5 V jack):
record.(rear)batteries). While you press and hold down p,and close the lid.wall outlet, grasp the adaptor itself, do not pullLeave the player aside for several hoursU2 model: 120 V, 60 Hz
connect the power source again. To make the4 Press r (record) on the MiniDisc recorder,its cord.until the moisture evaporates.Y Sony DCC-E245 car battery cord for use on
beep sound again, disconnect the powerDAT recorder, etc.m The lens is battery: 4.5 V DC
2Insert two rechargeable batteries by
source, and then connect it without pressing5 Press ^ on the player to release pause.m Close the lid of the player and the batterymatching the � and O to the diagramDimensions (w/h/d) (without projecting parts
p.compartment firmly.and controls)
inside the battery compartment and close
Notesm Make sure the batteries are insertedthe lid.Approx. 131.8 ´ 23.9 ´ 142.0 mm
YConnect the optical digital connecting cordcorrectly.(5 1�4 ´ 31�32 ´ 5 5�8 in.)
while the player is in stop mode.m Connect the AC power adaptor to a wallMass (without rechargeable batteries)
YIf you record without pausing the player, someoutlet securely.Approx. 200 g (7.0 oz)
CD may have problem with recording the firstOperating temperature
track number correctly.When you press ^, O00� appears in5!C - 35!C (41!F - 95!F)
YThe SOUND function works on the outputthe display for a moment, and
from the 2/REMOTE jack, but does not workdisappears. The CD does not play.
on that from the LINE OUT (OPTICAL) jack.m Rechargeable battery or dry batteries are
YWhen use an optical digital connecting cord,used up. Charge the rechargeable battery
the ESP function will be disabled.Noteor replace dry batteries with new ones.
Y Do not use manganese batteries for this player.
To take out the dry batteries
Take out the batteries properly in the same
way as the rechargeable batteries. |