About the surround amplifier
After connecting, you can attach the cover to the surround amplifier for organizing and storing excess
speaker cords.
Attaching the cover
1Attach the speaker cord cover by 3Secure the speaker cord holder with
sliding it down along the grooves at theth e supplied screw.
edges of the surround amplifier.
Speaker cord cover
Surround amplifier
Do not use the speaker cord cover and holder without
Push the speaker cord cover down until you
the supplied screw.
hear a click. Turn the surround amplifier
Before detaching the speaker cord cover, first remove
upside down, then store the cords in the
the screw, then the speaker cord holder. Forcing the
speaker cord cover.
speaker cord cover off with the screw in place may
2Insert the tabs of the speaker cord cause damage.
holder in the slots of the speaker coGrendtl y pull apart the side of the speaker cord cover
cover, and press it into place.when detaching.
Speaker cord holder
Surround amplifier
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