Control of external audio mixerDissolve and wipe effects
The unit features an interface to allowThe BKE-701 allows effects such as wipes
control of an external audio mixer. Thisand dissolves to be used in the transitions
allows audio signals to be edited alongbetween scenes.
with video signals.Wipe patterns can be specified by pressing
a wipe selection button, or by entering a
Control of external devices by GPIwipe pattern number from the numeric
pulseskeypad. Wipe directions can be reversed,
Start pulses can be sent over the GPIpattern edges can be softened, and borders
interface to external devices such as telopcan be added to the pattern.
cameras or telecine systems.
Title insertion
Setup menuThe title function allows titles and telop
The setup menu allows easy configurationimages to be superimposed over the video.
of the BVE-700 system for your
environment and intended applications.Status displays
When the 59.94-Hz video format is used,
VTR time data such as the current tape
position and edit point timecode can be
Features of the BKE-701displayed on the video monitor used as the
HD Switcher Boardmain monitor. In setup mode, setup menu
items are displayed.
The optional BKE-701 HD Switcher
Board can be installed in the processor
unit to provide the following functions.
A/B-roll editing
In addition to cut editing, the BKE-701
enables A/B-roll editing of the playback
signals of two player VTRs.
Support for rich variety of video
In addition to VTR playback signals,
support is provided for video output
signals of cameras and other devices, and
for color background or color bar signals
generated by the internal background
signal generator. The hue, saturation, and
luminance of color background signals can
be adjusted.
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