SSeettttiinngg UUpp tthhee WWAAPP BBrroowwsseerr
Getting Started
Configuring the WAP Browser
To configure the WAP Browser, proceed as follows.Starting the WAP Browser
1. Highlight Profiles using the and keys, and
Note: The first time you use the WAP Browser, you are
then press the Select soft key.
guided through a security setup procedure that
takes three to five minutes. Please follow the
2. Select a proxy server and enter the parameters
on-screen prompts to complete the procedurerequired. Contact your service provider for details.
(only necessary the first time you access the
Parameter Description
NameName of the HTTP proxy server.
1. To display the main menu, press the Phone soft key,
WDP Gateway used for the WAP. To connect
followed by the Menu soft key.
Addressto the gateway, you must enter its port
number (Port No) and IP address
(Bearer Addr).
Call Records
Access PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) parameters,
Pointas follows.
User IDPPP server login ID.Select1
User PWPPP server password.
Address typePPP address type;2. Press the or keys one or more times until
the type may vary,the WAP Browser menu option is displayed, and
depending on thethen press the Select soft key. You can also press
service provider.the key 9WXYZdirectly.
PPP Phone No PPP server phone
WAP Browser
ScriptPPP script, if
Homepage Address of your startup homepage.Select9
A connection is established with your service provider
3. When you are satisfied with the parameters, press
and the corresponding homepage is displayed.
the key.
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