5BALANCE control8TREBLE tone control
Should normally be left in the center position. Adjust balanceUse to adjust the high-frequency tone. The center position is
if the sound is louder from one of the speakers. If the right sidethe flat (normal) position. When turned to the right, high-
is louder, turn toward the L (left) position and if the left side isfrequency tones are emphasized; when turned to the left,
louder, turn toward the R (right) position.high-frequency tones are de-emphasized.
This control does not operate when the DIRECT button is inThis control does not operate when the DIRECT button is in
the on position.the on position.
6DIRECT button/indicator9BASS tone control
Use this button when you do not wish to pass the output fromUse to adjust the low-frequency tone. The center position is
input terminal equipment through the various frequency ad-the flat (normal) position. When turned to the right, low-
justing circuits (BASS, TREBLE, BALANCE, LOUDNESS).frequency tones are emphasized; when turned to the left,
On : The indicator lights: The signals passing through thelow-frequency tones are de-emphasized.
input terminals are reproduced without passing through
the various frequency adjusting circuits. This results inNOTE:
flat, pure sound which is a more faithful reproduction ofThis control does not operate when the DIRECT button is in
the input source.the on position.
Off : The indicator goes off: The signal passes through the
various frequency adjusting circuits.
0PHONES jack
When using headphones, insert the plug into this jack.
7LOUDNESS button/indicator
Use when listening at low volume levels.NOTE:
On : The indicator lights: Boosts low and high frequencies toThe speakers continue to output sound even when head-
give added punch to playback even at a low volumephones are plugged into this jack.
level.To mute the sound from the speakers, press the SPEAKERS
Off : The indicator goes off: Should normally be left in thisbutton to OFF.
NOTE:-SPEAKERS button/indicator
This button does not operate when the DIRECT button is inUse this button to listen to the speaker system connected to
the SPEAKERS terminals.
the on position.On : The indicator lights. Sound is heard from the speaker
Off : The indicator goes off. No sound is heard from the
speaker system. Set to this position when listening with
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