Safety regulations
WARNING: switch off and remove NEVER use the lead to carry the
the plug from the electric socket appliance or pull on the lead to sepa-
before fixing, cleaning or disentan-rate the connections. Keep the lead
gling the lead.away from sources of heat, oil and
sharp edges.
Use a highly insulated extension
lead that complies with the regula- Before use always check that both
tions in force.the electric lead and the extension do
not have faulty insulation due to cuts
Make sure, before each start up,
and worn places.
that the extension lead is out of the
cutting area. Immediately replace a damaged
Wear close fitting clothes and
protective clothing, outdoor rubber Always use your appliance as indi-
gloves and rubber footwear are cated in this manual. This appliance
recommended. Always wear suitable is designed to be used in an upright
protection for the eyes, such as pro-position and if it is used in any other
tective goggles.way, it may cause an accident.
NEVER bring the hedge trimmer Those who are not familiar with this
near to the body or clothes when type of appliance or who have not
you switch it on or when it is working. read this manual must not use your
Before switching it on, make sure that appliance.
nothing comes into contact with the
DO NOT use solvents or cleaning
blades.agents to clean your appliance. Use a
To protect your legs, wear long trou-blunt scraper to remove dirt.
sers, making sure that you have both
Always disconnect from the power
feet placed firmly on the ground and supply before cleaning.
that you are not unbalanced.
We would also recommend that
DO NOT leave the appliance unat-
inexperienced users receive instruc-
tended when it is connected to the
tion on the correct safe use of hedge
power supply.trimmers before use.
NEVER use electrical appliances To ensure maximum safety and long
when you are tired or under the
life of the product, only use original
effects of medicine, alcohol or other accessories and spare parts.
You will find the name of your nea-
Always keep the hedge trimmer out
rest Authorised Assistance Centre in
of the reach of children. Anybody pre-
the Service Stations Booklet included
sent while you are working must be in the packaging. It is advisable to
kept at a safe distance.have your appliance checked and if
Always follow local safety rules and necessary repaired by an Authorised
relative regulations.Repair Shop.
DO NOT use the hedge trimmer in
potentially explosive environments: it
is a good idea for the operator to
always have with him a suitable first
aid kit.
foliage.indd181/7/102, 5:17 PM
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