Fault Finding
Engine Will Not StartPoor Flotation or Lack of Power
1. Ensure that the Operator Presence Control is1. Disconnect the spark plug lead.
gripped firmly to the upper handle.2. Clean the underside of the hood, the air filter,
2. Check that there is sufficient fuel in the fuel tankthe fan, around the engine and the air intakes.
and the fuel tap is open 3. Check that the engine choke control lever is in
3. Check that the choke control lever is in the cor-the 'Run' position. (N)
rect position:- 'RunO position (N) - for a hot4. Petrol may be stale, replace. Once the petrol
engine, 'ChokeO position (M) - for a cold engine.has been replaced, it may take a little time for
4. The engine may have flooded. Remove and dryfresh petrol to filter through.
the spark plug.5. If poor flotation or lack of power persists - discon-
5. Petrol may be stale, replace. Once the petrolnect the spark plug lead and consult your local
has been replaced, it may take a little time forapproved Service Centre/Dealer.
fresh petrol to filter through.Excessive Vibration
6. Check that the blade bolt is tight. A loose blade1. Disconnect the spark plug lead.
bolt could cause difficult starting.2. Check that the blade is correctly fitted.'See 'Fitting
7. If the engine will still not start - disconnect theand Removing the Blade and the Fan'.
spark plug lead and consult you local approved3. If the blade is damaged or worn, renew the blade.
Service Centre/Dealer.4. If vibration persists - do not use - disconnect the
spark plug lead and consult your local approved
Service Recommendations
YYour product is uniquely identified by a silver and black product rating label.
YWe strongly recommend that your product is serviced at least every twelve months, more often in
a professional application.
Environmental Information
Electrolux Outdoor Products are manufacturedDISPOSAL OF FUELS AND LUBRICATING OILS
under an Environmental Management System (ISOYWear protective clothing when handling any fuels
14001) using, where practical, components manu-and lubricants.
factured in the most environmentally responsibleYAvoid contact with skin.
manner, according to company procedures, andYRemove petrol and engine oil before transporting
with the potential for recycling at the end of thethe product.
productsO life.YContact your local authority for information of
YPackaging is recyclable and plastic componentsyour nearest Recycling/Disposal Station.
have been labelled (where practical) for cate-YDo NOT dispose of used fuels/oils with
gorised recycling.household waste
YAwareness of the environment must be consid-YDo NOT dispose of used fuels/oils to water.
ered when disposing of �end-of-lifeO product.YWaste fuels/oils are harmful, but can be
YIf necessary, contact your local authority for dis-recycled and should be disposed of through
posal information.the recognised facilities.
YDo NOT incinerate |