General use
WARNING!The object of this manual is to help you use your
Under no circumstances may the
original design of the machine beHusqvarna machine more safely and to give you
modified without written approvalinformation about how to maintain your machine.
Please read the manual carefully before attempting
from the manufacturer. Suchto use the machine.
modifications not only affect the
If after reading the operatorOs manual you are stillperformance and durability of the
unsure about the safety risks associated with use ofmachine but may even pose a
the machine, you should not use the risk for users and those in
Please contact your dealer for more information.the vicinity. Unauthorized
modifications to the design of theThese safety instructions only address the basics
machine may absolve thefor safe use. It would be impossible in the safety
manufacturer from liability for any
resulting personal injury orinstructions to describe all possible risk situations
property damage. Modifying thethat could arise when using the machine. You can,
however, prevent accidents by always using
machine without written approvalcommon sense.
from the manufacturer may void
To obtain extra copies of the operatorOs manual,the guarantee.
please contact your dealer.
Do not use the machine until you have read
the operatorOs manual carefully and
understand the instructions given. All
maintenance work or adjustments not
described in this manual must be performed
by an authorized Husqvarna service
YRead this manual carefully and make sure you
understand it before using the machine or
performing any maintenance. If the user cannot
read this manual, it is the responsibility of theRead this manual carefully before starting the machine.
machine owner to explain the contents to the
YFollow all safety instructions. Failure to do so
may result in injury to yourself or others.
YAccident prevention regulations, other general
safety regulations, occupational safety rules
and traffic regulations must be followed without
YAll users shall be trained in use of the machine.
The owner is responsible for training users.
YEngage an authorized Husqvarna workshop for
all service and repairs not described in this
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