YHusqvarna original spare parts are designed
and specified to maintain high quality andWARNING!
correct fit for optimal durability and lifespan.The engine can become very hot.
From a safety point of view, you should onlyTo avoid being burned, you must
use Husqvarna original spare parts.turn off the engine and wait until
all parts have cooled before
YCheck that all safety decals are in place. Seetouching the engine.
the chapter �Symbols and decals�.
YLearn how to use the machine and its controls
safely and learn to recognize the safety decals.
YOnly use the machine for sowing and
dethatching lawns. It is not intended for any
other use.WARNING!
YCheck that the machine is in serviceableOverexposure to vibration may
condition prior to use; see the chapterlead to circulatory or nerve
�Maintenance/Maintenance schedule�.damage, particularly in people who
have impaired circulation.
YOnly use the machine in daylight or in other
well-lit conditions. Keep the machine a safeContact your doctor if you
distance from holes or other irregularities in theexperience symptoms that could
ground. Pay attention to other possible risks.have been caused by
overexposure to vibration.
YOnly allow the machine to be used by adultsExamples of common symptoms
who are familiar with its use.include numbness, pain, muscle
weakness, change of skin color or
YNever allow children or persons not trained inan uncomfortable feeling of
the use of the machine to use or service it.tingling. These symptoms appear
Local laws may regulate the age of the user.
most frequently in the fingers,
YPeople and animals can distract you causinghands or wrists.
you to lose control of the machine. For this
reason, you should always concentrate and
focus on the task at hand.
YNever leave the machine unsupervised with
the engine running.
YMake sure that other people are nearby when
you are using the machine so that you can call
for help should an emergency arise.
YThe machine is tested and approved only with
the equipment originally provided or
recommended by the manufacturer.
English � 7 |