If the spark plug is dirty, clean it and check the electrode gap.
Air filter
Readjust if necessary. The correct gap is 0.5 mm (0.020").
The air filter must be regularly cleaned from dust and dirt inThe spark plug should be replaced after about a month in
order to avoid:operation or earlier if the electrodes are badly eroded.
Y Carburettor malfunctions61
Y Starting problemsIMPORTANT! Always use the recommended spark plug type.
Y Engine power reductionAn incorrect spark plug can severely damage the piston/
Y Unnecessary wear oncylinder.
the engine parts
Y Abnormal fuel consumption
Clean the air filter daily orMuffler
more often if the air is
exceptionally dusty in the
working area.
Y Disassemble the air filter byThe muffler is designed in
removing the cylinder coverorder to reduce the noise level
and unscrew the filter.and to direct the exhaust
When reassembling, makegases away from the operator.
sure that the filter is tightThe exhaust gases are hot
against the filter holder.and can contain sparks, which
Clean the filter by brushingmay cause fire if directed
or shaking it.268against dry and combustible
Y A more thorough cleaning of
the filter is obtained bySome mufflers are equipped
washing it in water andwith a special screen. If your
soap.saw has this type of muffler,
you should clean the screen
An air filter, which is used forat least once a week. This is
some time, cannot be cleaneddone with a wire brush.
completely. Therefore it must
be replaced by a new one,CAUTION! The screen must
with regular replaced, if damaged. The
IMPORTANT! A damaged airsaw will be overheated, if the
filter must always bescreen is clogged. This results damage on the cylinder and
the piston. Never use a saw
with a clogged or defective
Adjusting the oil pump
Spark plug
The oil pump can be adjusted
to give four different oil flow0,5 mm
rates. To adjust the flow rate,
first remove the chain, bar,
clutch cover, centrifugal clutch
The spark plug condition is
influenced by:and the clutch drum. Using a
screwdriver, adjust the oil flow
Y An incorrect carburettor
setting.rate by turning the adjuster
Y Wrong fuel mixture (tooscrew one way or the other.
much oil in the gasoline).The projection on the screw
Y A dirty air filter.should point towards the
These factors cause depositschosen setting. The diagram
shows the setting for flow rate
on the spark plug electrodes,
which may result in2.
malfunction and starting
Recommended settings:
difficulties. If the engine is
low on power, difficult to13" and 15" barsSetting 2
start or runs poorly at idling18" bars and longer Setting 3-4
speed, always check theNOTE! Do not carry out this adjustment with the engine
spark plug first.running!
English � 31 |