8. Do not clear snow across the face of slopes. Exercise
Safe Operation Practices
extreme caution when changing direction on slopes. Do
for Snow Throwersnot attempt to clear steep slopes.
Training 9. Never operate the snow thrower without proper guards,
plates or other safety protective devices in place.
1. Read the operating and service instruction manual care-
fully. Be thoroughly familiar with the controls and the proper 10. Never operate the snow thrower near glass en clo sures,
use of the equipment. Know how to stop the unit and automobiles, window wells, drop-offs, etc. without proper
disengage the controls quickly. adjustment of the snow discharge angle. Keep children
and pets away.
2. Never allow children to operate the equipment. Never
allow adults to operate the equipment without proper 11. Do not overload the machine capacity by attempting to
in struc tion. clear snow at too fast a rate.
3. Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly 12. Never operate the machine at high transport speeds on
small children, and pets. slippery surfaces. Use care when reversing.
4. Exercise caution to avoid slipping or falling, especially 13. Never direct discharge at bystanders or allow anyone in
when operating in reverse.front of the unit.
14. Disengage power to the collector/impeller when snow
thrower is transported or not in use.
1. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to
15. Use only attachments and accessories approved by the
be used and remove all doormats, sleds, boards, wires
and other foreign objects. manufacturer of the snow thrower (such as wheel weights,
counterweights, cabs, etc.).
2. Disengage all clutches and shift into neutral before start-
ing the engine. 16. Never operate the snow thrower without good visibility
or light. Always be sure of your footing, and keep a rm
3. Do not operate the equipment without wearing ad e quate hold on the handles. Walk; never run.
winter garments. Wear footwear which will improve footing
on slippery surfaces. Maintenance and Storage
4. Handle fuel with care; it is highly ammable. 1. Check shear bolts, engine mounting bolts, etc., at frequent
intervals for proper tightness to be sure the equipment is
a) Use an approved fuel container.
in safe working condition.
b) Never add fuel to a running or hot engine. 2. Never store the machine with fuel in the fuel tank inside
c) Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme care.a building where ignition sources are present such as hot
Never ll fuel tank indoors. water and space heaters, clothes dryers, etc. Allow the
engine to cool before storing in any enclosure.
d) Replace gasoline caps securely and wipe up spilled fuel.
3. Always refer to owners guide instructions for im por tant
5. Use a grounded three-wire plug-in for all units with electric
details if the snow thrower is to be stored for an extended
drive motors or electric starting motors.period.
6. Adjust the collector housing height to clear gravel or
4. Maintain or replace safety and instructions labels, as
crushed rock surface. nec es sary.
7. Never attempt to make any adjustments while the engine
5. Run the machine a few minutes after throwing snow to
is running (except where speci cally rec om mend ed by prevent freeze-up of the collector/impeller.
man u fac tur er).
8. Let engine and machine adjust to outdoor tem per a tures
Sichere Bedienung einer Schnee-
before starting to clear snow.
9. The operation of any powered machine can result in frse
foreign objects being thrown into the eyes. Always wear Vorkenntnisse
safety glasses or eye shields during operation or while
1. Lesen Sie die Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung sorg-
performing an adjustment or repair.
fltig. Machen Sie sich sorgfltigst mit den Steuerele-
Operation menten und dem sachgemen Gebrauch des Gertes
vertraut. Eignen Sie sich die Fhigkeit an, das Gert schnell
1. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts.
Keep clear of the discharge opening at all times. stoppen und die Steuerelemente schnell abschalten zu
2. Exercise extreme caution when operating on or crossing
gravel drives, walks, or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazards 2. Kindern darf die Bedienung des Gertes unter keinen Um-
stnden gestattet werden. Bedienung des Gertes durch
or traf c.
Erwachsene, die nicht sachgem eingewiesen wurden,
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, remove darf unter keinen Umstnden gestattet werden.
the wire from the spark plug, thoroughly inspect the snow
thrower for any damage and repair the damage before 3. Halten Sie den Verwendungsbereich frei von jeglichen
Personen, insbesondere von kleinen Kindern, und von
restarting and operating the snow thrower.
4. If the unit should start to vibrate abnormally, stop the
4. Gehen Sie vor allem bei der Bedienung im Rckwrts-
engine and check immediately for the cause. Vibration is
gen er al ly a warning of trouble. gang vorsichtig vor, um Ausrutschen oder Hinfallen zu
5. Stop the engine whenever you leave the operating posi-
tion, before unclogging the collector/impeller housing or Vorbereitung
dis charge guide and when making any repairs, adjust-1. Inspizieren Sie sorgfltig den Bereich, in dem das Gert
ments or inspections. verwendet werden soll, und entfernen Sie alle Trvorleger,
6. When cleaning, repairing, or inspecting make certain Schlitten, Bretter, Drhte u.a. Fremdkrper.
the collector/impeller and all moving parts have stopped. 2. Kuppeln Sie vollstndig aus und schalten Sie in den
Dis con nect the spark plug wire, and keep the wire away Leerlauf, bevor Sie den Motor anlassen.
from the plug to prevent accidental starting. Disconnect
3. Bedienen Sie das Gert nicht ohne adquate Winterbekle-
the cable on electric motors.
idung. Tragen Sie Schuhe, die einen sicheren Stand auf
7. Do not run the engine indoors, except when starting it - rutschigem Boden begnstigen.
and for moving the snow thrower in or out of the building.
Open the outside doors; exhaust fumes are dangerous.
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