How to avoid kickbackLimbing
WARNING! Kickback can happen very WARNING! A majority of kickback accidents
occur during limbing. Do not use the
!suddenly and violently; kicking the chain !kickback zone of the guide bar. Be extremely
saw, bar and chain back at the user. If this
happens when the chain is moving it can cautious and avoid contacting the log, other
cause very serious, even fatal injuries. It is limbs or objects with the nose of the guide
bar. Be extremely cautious of limbs under
vital you understand what causes kickback
and that you can avoid it by taking care and tension. They can spring back toward you
using the right working technique.and cause loss of control resulting in injury.
Make sure that you can stand and move about safely. Work on
What is kickback?the left side of the trunk. Work as close as possible to the
chain saw for maximum control. If possible, let the weight of
The word kickback is used to describe the sudden reaction the chain saw rest on the trunk.
that causes the chain saw and bar to jump off an object when
the upper quadrant of the tip of the bar, known as the kickback
zone, touches an object.
Kickback always occurs in the cutting plane of the bar.
Normally the chain saw and bar are thrown backwards and
upwards towards the user. However, the chain saw may move
Keep the trunk between you and the chain saw as you move
in a different direction depending on the way it was being used along the trunk.
when the kickback zone of the bar touched the object.
Kickback only occurs if the kickback zone of the bar touches Cutting the trunk into logs
an object.
See instructions under the heading Basic cutting technique.
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