Air filter
Maintenance schedule
The air filter should be
Below follows some general maintenance instructions.
cleaned regularly removingIf you need further information please contact your service
dust and dirt to avoid:
Y carburettor malfunction
Daily maintenance
Y starting problems
Y reduced engine power1
1.Clean the outside of the
Y unnecessary wear to
engine parts
Y abnormal fuel
2.Make sure the throttle
trigger lock and the
Clean the filter after every
throttle function correctly
25 hours or more regularly
from a safety point of
if operating conditions are
exceptionally dusty.
Cleaning the air filter3.Check that the stop
Dismantle the air filter cover and remove the air filter. Wash inswitch functions.3
clean, warm soapy water. Ensure that the filter is dry before
refitting. An air filter used for a long period of time can never4.Check that the cutting
be cleaned completely. Therefore it is necessary to replace thehead does not rotate while
filter from time to time with a new filter. A damaged air filteridling.
must always be replaced.
If the machine is used in dusty conditions the air filter5.Clean the air filter.
should be soaked in oil, see the section on OOiling the airReplace if necessary.
Oiling the air filter6.Check that the guard is
Always use HUSQVARNAundamaged and not
filter oil, order no. 503 47cracked. Replace the
73-01. The filter oilguards if they have been
contains a solvent to make itexposed to impact or are
spread evenly through thecracked.6
filter. You should therefore
avoid skin contact. Put the7.Check that the trimmer
filter in a plastic bag and thehead is undamaged and
pour the filter oil over it.not cracked. Replace the
Knead the plastic bag totrimmer head if necessary.
distribute the oil. Squeeze7
the excess oil out of the filter8.Check that the locking
inside the plastic bag andnut is tight.
pour off the excess before
9.Check that all nuts and8
fitting the filter on the machine. Never use common engine
screws are tightened.
oil. This would drain through the filter quite quickly and
collect in the bottom.
Angle gear (322L, 325L-X/L-XT)
The angle gear is filled with a
sufficient quantity of grease at
the factory. However, before
using the machine you should
check that the angle gear is
filled to 3/4 with grease. Use
Normally, the grease does not
need to be changed except
when repairs are carried out.
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