General working instructionsSafety instructions while working
This section takes up the basic safety precautions for ? Always ensure you have a safe and stable working
working with a hedge trimmer.position.
If you encounter a situation where you are uncertain how to ? Always use both hands to hold the machine. Hold the
proceed you should ask an expert. Contact your dealer or machine in front of your body.
your service workshop.
Avoid all usage which you consider to be beyond your
WARNING! The machine can cause serious
personal injury. Read the safety instructions
!carefully. Learn how to use the machine.
WARNING! Cutting tool. Do not touch the
? Make sure that your hands and feet do not come near the tool without Ţrst switching off the engine.
!cutting attachment when the engine is running.
Personal protection
? When the engine is switched off, keep your hands and feet
away from the cutting attachment until it has stopped
? Watch out for stumps of branches that can be thrown out
? Wear personal protective equipment. See instructions during cutting.
under the heading Personal protective equipment.
? Do not cut too close to the ground. Stones and other
? Always wear working clothes and heavy-duty long objects can be thrown out.
trousers.? Check the working area for foreign objects such as
? Never wear loose clothing or jewellery.electricity cables, insects and animals, etc, or other
objects that could damage the cutting attachment, such
? Make sure your hair does not hang below shoulder metal items.
Safety instructions regarding the ? If any foreign object is hit or if vibrations occur stop the
machine immediately. Disconnect the HT lead from the
spark plug. Check that the machine is not damaged.
? Never allow children to use the machine.Repair any damage.
? Ensure that no-one comes closer than 15 m while you are ? If anything jams in the blades while you are working,
working.switch off the engine and wait until it has stopped
completely before cleaning the blades. Disconnect the HT
? Never allow anyone else to use the machine without Ţrst
lead from the spark plug.
ensuring that they have understood the contents of the
operator?s manual.
? Never work from a ladder, stool or any other raised
position that is not fully secured.
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