Cold engine
Control before starting
Set the stop switch to theFor reasons of safety follow
these recommendations!start position.
Set the choke control in the
Y Check that the supportchoke position.
flange is not cracked due toAIR PURGE:
Press the air purgefatigue or due to being
tightened too much.diaphragm repeatedly until
Discard the support flangefuel begins to fill the
diaphragm. The diaphragmif it is cracked.
need not be completely
Warm engine
Y Ensure the locking nut has
not lost its captive force.Use the same starting
The nut lock should have aprocedure as for the cold
engine, but do not set the
locking force of at least 1.5
Nm. The tighteningchoke control in the choke
torque of the locking nutposition. The start throttle
position is obtained byshould be 35-50 Nm.
setting the choke control in
the choke position and then
returning it to its originalY Check that the trimmer
head and spray guard areposition.
not damaged or cracked.Stop
The engine is stopped byReplace the trimmer head
or spray guard if they areswitching off the ignition.
exposed to impact or are
When the engine is started with the choke
Y Never use the machinein the choke or start position the cutting
without a guard or sprayequipment starts to rotate immediately.
guard nor with a defective
Press the machine body
against the ground using
your left hand (NOTE! Not
your foot). Grip the starter
handle, slowly pull out the
cord with your right hand
until you feel some
resistance (the starter pawls
grip), now quickly and
powerfully pull the cord.
Start and stopReset the choke control as
soon as the engine fires and
The complete clutch cover with shaft mustrepeat until the engine starts.
When the engine starts
!be fitted before the machine is started,quickly apply full throttle
otherwise the clutch can become looseand the start throttle will
and cause personal injury.
Always move the machine from the fillingautomatically disengage.
area before starting. Place the machine onNOTE! Do not pull the
a flat surface. Ensure the cuttingstarter cord out completely
equipment cannot come into contact withand do not release the starter
any object. Make sure no unauthorisedcord from the fully extended
persons are in the working area,position. This can damage
otherwise there is a risk of seriousthe machine.
personal injury. The safety distance is 15
English � 15 |