Assembling other guards andAssembling the flexible shaft
cutting equipment1) Remove the screw and
Y Fit the guard (A) to theinsert the outer fitting
gear housing using the(with o-ring) into the
support plate (M) and twojoint pipe (A), and
screws (L).tighten the screw.
Y Fit the disc drive (B) onM
the output axle.2) Insert the outer fitting
into the clutch case with
pulling up the pin (B).
Y Turn the blade axle untilABe sure pin returns to
one of the disc driveOsoriginal position by
holes aligns with thespring and outer fitting
corresponding hole in thenever comes off from
gear housing.clutch case.
Y Insert the locking pin (C)
into the hole to lock the
Connecting throttle cable and stop
Y Screw on the trimmerswitch wires
head (H) in the direction1) Insert the throttle cable
of rotation.through the cable
adjuster sleeve on the
carburettor bracket.
Y Dismantling takes place inMake sure the end of the
the reverse order.throttle cable housing is
seated positively in the
2) Position the slotted
fitting on the carburettor
so the recessed hole (A) is
away from the cable
adjuster sleeve.
Assembling the spray guard3) Rotate the carburettor
throttle cam and slip the
(Install the cord cutter and guard extension to the spraythrottle cable through
the slot in the slotted
1) Fasten the cord cutterfitting, making sure the
(A) to the spray guardcable lug drops into the
with two M5 x 25
screws, lock washersrecessed hole.
4) Operate the throttle
and hex nuts astrigger a few times to
shown.make sure that it works
2) Attach the guard5) Plug the stop switch
extension (B) to thewires into the matching
guard with the five
M5 x 25 screws,connectors from the
engine. Note that wire
washers and hex nutspolarity is not important.
as shown.6) Bind the throttle cable
and the flexible shaft
with two bands (B).
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