Section V Model 11 153A 1
Table 53. VAC Reed Relay Checks.
1. Apply 100 mV, 1 kHz to input Reading increases when input Perform Check 2. 1
on 100 mV range in VAC(AC) and is applied in both VAC(AC) and
then in VAC(DC). VAC(DC). (Readings may be noisy
or inaccurate.)
Reading increases in VAC(AC) only. A7K2 open
Reading increases in VAC(DC) only. A7K1 open.
Steady or overload reading in A7K11 open.
both VAC(AC) and VAC(DC). Note: If A7K11 is not
open, perform Check 4.
2. Connect an AC Voltmeter to Approx. 1 Vac at A7TP1. Perform Check 3. 1
A7TP1 and the input LOW
terminal. Approx. 10 mVac at A7TP1. A7K3 and A7K4 shorted,
Select 1000 mV range, VAC(AC) or A7K3 and A7K5 shorted.
Apply 1OOOmV. 1 kHz. I
3. Select 1000 V range, VAC(AC) Approx. 500 mV at A7TP1. Perform Check 4.
Apply 100 V, 1 kHz.
Approx. 1 V at A7TP1. A7K4 open, or A7K5 open.
Approx. 8 to 10 Vac at A7TP1, A7K3 open, or r
~~ A7K4 and A7K5 open.
4. Remove ACVM form A7TP1. Reading is below 10% of range Perform Check 5.
Connect short across input on all ranges. I
terminals. Switch through
all ranges. Reads Overload on 100 mV and A7K7 open.
10 V ranges.
Reads Overload on 1000 mV A7K8 open. 1
and 100 V ranges.
Reads Overload on 1000 V range. A7K6 open.
5. Apply 100 mV, 1 kHz on Readings are 100 mV f 10% Perform Check 6.
100 mV range VAC(AC), and 1000 mV * 10%.
and then apply 1000 mV
on 1000 mV range. 100 mV range out of tolerance. A7K6 shorted, or
A7K8 shorted. I
1000 mV range out of tolerance. A7K7 shorted.
6. Select 1000 mV range, VAC(DC) Settles to final reading in Perform Check 7. I
Apply 1000 mV, 10 Hz. approx. 15 seconds.
< 2 counts noise.
Settles in 3 to 4 seconds. A7K10 shorted.
Excessive noise. I
Responds in approx. 15 seconds. A7K9 open (A7K9A in
Excessive noise. instruments below
Serial No. 100). I
7. Select lo00 mV range, VAC(AC). Settles to final reading Reed Relays not at
Apply 1000 mV, 1 kHz. in 1 to 2 seconds. fault.
Settles to final reading A7K9 shorted 1
in approx. 5 seconds. (A7K9A in instruments
below Serial No. 100).
Settles to final reading A7K10 open. I
in approx. 15 seconds.
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