4 - The PatchMix DSP Mixer
Main Section
Output Section
Main Output Level Fader Sync/Sample
Rate Indicators
Output Level Monitor
Main Inserts
The main inserts allow you to apply effects to the main stereo signal coming out of the
mixer (both mains and monitor). You might want to apply EQ or a compressor here.
These inserts work just like the other effect locationsNjust drag and drop effects from
the palette or right-click and add Sends, Sends/Returns. etc. Refer to the Mixer Block
Main Output Fader
The main output fader controls the level of the main output (and the Monitor output as
well since it is downstream from this control). The normal setting for this control is at
unity or 0dB, but the control allows you to add up to +12dB of gain. High output levels
may cause clipping on outboard ampliŢers or other equipment.
Output Level Meters
This stereo bar-graph meter re�ects the digital level at the output of the mixer. The
topmost red bar represents 0 dB or a full-scale digital signal. The peaks hold for a 0dB
moment so that short transients can be monitored. Each bar = 1dB.
10 10-12dB
Monitor Output Level
20 20
This control adjusts the monitor output level. Keep in mind that since the monitor level
control comes after the Main Output Fader, nothing will be heard from your monitors if
30 30
the main level is turned down.
40 40
Monitor Balance Control
This control sets the relative volume of the stereo monitor outputs and works just like
50 50
the balance control on your home music system. This control is primarily used to make
the volume from each speaker sound equal if you are not sitting exactly in the center of LR
the two speakers.
Monitor Output Mute
This button completely cuts off the monitor output and provides a convenient way to
instantly kill all sound without having to re-adjust the monitor level later. When the
telephone rings, just hit the monitor mute to cut the noise.
E-MU Digital Audio System35 |