XLS Series Power AmplifiersAmplificateurs de puissanceLeistungsendstufenAmplificadores de potencia
8 Service
Crown amplifiers are quality units that rarely require ser-8.2.2 Factory Service8.2.4 Packing Instructions3. Reset center cushion down over top of product's
vicing. Before returning your unit for service, please con-Important: These instructions must be followed. If they chassis. The foam-in-place packing was molded to
Crown accepts no responsibility for non-serviceable
tact Crown Technical Support to verify the need for product that is sent to us for factory repair. It is the are not followed, Crown Audio, Inc. assumes no respon-accommodate different chassis depth sizes. If your
servicing.owner?s responsibility to ensure that their product is ser-product's chassis does not completely fill the foam-
sibility for damaged goods and/or accessories that are
in-place cavity, you may use a soft but solid packing
This unit has very sophisticated circuitry which should viceable prior to sending it to the factory. Serviceable sent with your unit.
only be serviced by a fully trained technician. This is one product list is available at material (such as paper or bubble wrap) behind the
http://crownweb.crownintl.com/crownrma/. chassis.
reason why each unit bears the following label:1. Fill out and include the Crown Audio Factory Ser-
For more information, please contact us direct.vice Information sheet in the back of this manual.4. Enclose the completed Crown Audio Factory Service
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, do not
remove covers. No user serviceable parts A Service Return Authorization (SRA) is required for 2. Do not ship any accessories (manuals, cords, hard-Information form (or securely attach it to the outside
product being sent to the factory for repair. An SRA can of carton) and re-seal the shipping pack with a
inside. Refer servicing to a qualified technician.ware, etc.) with your unit. These items are not
be completed online at www.crownaudio.com/support/needed to service your product. We will not be sturdy carton sealing tape.
Complete the Crown Audio Factory Service Information factserv.htm. If you do not have access to the web, please responsibility for these items.
form, in the back of this manual, when returning a Crown call Crown?s Customer Service at 574.294.8200 or 8.2.5 Estimate Approval
product to the factory or authorized service center. The 800.342.6939 extension 8205.3. When shipping your Crown product, it is important Approval of estimate must be given within 90 days after
form must be included with your product inside the box that it has adequate protection. We recommend you being notified by Crown Audio Inc. Units still in the pos-
or in a packing slip envelope securely attached to the For warranty service, we will pay for ground shipping use the original pack material when returning the session of Crown after 90 days of the estimate will
both ways in the United States. Contact Crown Customer
outside of the shipping carton. Do not send this form product for repair. If you do not have the original become the property of Crown Audio Inc.
separately.Service to obtain prepaid shipping labels prior to send-box, please call Crown at 800.342.6939 or
ing the unit. Or, if you prefer, you may prepay the cost of 574.294.8210 and order new pack material. See 8.2.6 Payment of Non-Warranty Repairs
8.1 International and Canada Serviceshipping, and Crown will reimburse you. Send copies of instructions for ?foam-in-place? shipping pack. (Do Payment on out-of-waranty repairs must be received
the shipping receipts to Crown to receive reimbursement.
Service may be obtained from an authorized service cen-not ship your unit in a wood or metal cabinet.)within 90 days of the repair date. Units unclaimed after
ter. (Contact your local Crown/Amcron representative or Your repaired unit will be returned via UPS ground.
our office for a list of authorized service centers.) To Please contact us if other arrangements are required.4. If you provide your own shipping pack, the mini-90 days become the property of Crown Audio Inc.
mum recommended requirements for materials are
obtain service, simply present the bill of sale as proof of
purchase along with the defective unit to an authorized 8.2.3 Factory Service Shipping Instruc-as follows:If you have any questions, please contact Crown Factory
service center. They will handle the necessary paperwork a. 275 P.S.I. burst test, Double-Wall carton that allows
and repair.1. Service Return Authorization (SRA) is required for for 2-inch solid Styrofoam on all six sides of unit or Crown Factory Service
product being sent to the factory for service. Please 3 inches of plastic bubble wrap on all six sides of 1718 W. Mishawaka Rd.,
Remember to transport your unit in the original factory complete the SRA by going to unit.Elkhart, Indiana 46517 U.S.A.
pack. www.crownaudio.com/support/factserv.htm. If you
do not have access to our website, call b. Securely seal the package with an adequate carton Telephone:
8.2 US Service1.800.342.6939, extension 8205 and we'll create the sealing tape.574.294.8200
Service may be obtained in one of two ways: from an SRA for you.c. Do not use light boxes or ?peanuts?. Damage caused 800.342.6939 (North America,
authorized service center or from the factory. You may Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands only)
2. See packing instructions that follow.by poor packaging will not be covered under war-
choose either. It is important that you have your copy of ranty.Facsimile:
the bill of sale as your proof of purchase.3. Ship product to: 574.294.8301 (Technical Support)
Using your 'foam-in-place' shipping pack
CROWN AUDIO FACTORY SERVICE574.294.8124 (Factory Service)
8.2.1 Service at a US Service Center1718 W MISHAWKA RD. Note: The foam-in-place packing is molded so that there
This method usually saves the most time and effort. Sim-ELKHART, IN 46517is only one correct position for your product.Internet:
ply present your bill of sale along with the defective unit http://www.crownaudio.com
4. Use a bold black marker and write the SRA number
to an authorized service center to obtain service. They
will handle the necessary paperwork and repair. Remem-on three sides of the box.1. Open carton and lift center cushion leaving both
end-cushions in place.
ber to transport the unit in the original factory pack. A list 5. Record the SRA number for future reference. The
of authorized service centers in your area can be obtained SRA number can be used to check the repair status.2. Carefully place your product with the product's front
from Crown Factory Service, or online from panel facing the same direction as arrows indicate.
page 26Operation Manual Mode d'emploiBedienungsanleitung Manual de Operación |