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SONY DVPS705D Repair Manual


SONY DVPS705D - It's a complete service manual, and it's in PDF format. It contains circuit diagrams ( schemas ) etc. It also usually contains parts catalog. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. See below for delivery information

The manual is available only in language(s): English

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 07 May, 2007.
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Patrick Guice - 04/23/2008 5 of 5 Stars!
Phenomal manual great resoulution and very legible. Will become very helpfull in future for parts and service.
Adam Solitro - 12/24/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Hi guys, Thank you for the fast and reliable service that your company offers. Great Work :)
Dutra Lacerda - 02/17/2008 5 of 5 Stars!
All schematics for the Euro-PC and some extra info. Needed if you want to replace some missing hardware. A piece of great historical value and for vintage computing entusiasts.
John Craig - 07/31/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Very nice site and the manual is great. A life-saver. Thank you so much!
Jim Carrier - 08/02/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Outstanding and fast service! I received service manual in a moment after order. Thanks to this manual I can use my printer again!

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Click to see text excerpt from the manual
0. Disc Check MemoryDisc Type
1. Disc Type Auto Check
Disc Check2. DVD SL12 cm
3. DVD DL12 cm
4. CD12cm
5. SACD12 cm
1. SL Disc Check6. dvd SL8 cm
2. CD Disc Check7. DVD DL8 cm
3. DL Disc Check8. CD8 cm
9. SACD8 cm
0. Reset SLED TILT
TC. : : EMG. 00
0. Reset SLED TILTCD 12 cm
Display when CD 12cm disc was selected
On this screen, the mirror time is measured to judge the disc and it[0]Reset SLED TILTReset the Sled and Tilt to initial posi-
is written to the EEPROM. First load DVD SL disc and press [1],tion.
next load CD disc and press [2], and finally load DVD DL disc
and press [3].[1]Disk Type CheckJudge automatically the loaded disc. As
The adjustment must be executed more than once after defaultthe judged result is displayed at the bot-
data were written. External vibration or shock to the player musttom of screen, make sure that it is cor-
not be given. Reference value for DVD is from 10 to 20, and forrect.
CD, from 28 to 4F.If Disc Check Memory menu has not
Check that the value of CD is larger than that of DVD.been executed after EEPROM default
When those values are beyond a range perform this adjustmentsetting, the disc type cannot be judged.
again.In this case, return to the initial menu
From this screen, you can go to another mode by pressing [NEXT]and make a check for three types of
or [PREV] key, but you cannot enter this mode from another mode.discs (SL, DL, CD).
You can enter this mode from the Operation Menu screen only.
[2] to [9]Select the loaded disc. The adjusted
1. Disc Typevalue is written to the address of se-
lected disc. No further entry is neces-
Disc Typesary if [1] was selected.
1. Disc Type Auto Check
2. DVD SL12 cm2. Servo Control
3. DVD DL12 cm
4. CD12cmServo Control
5. SACD12 cm1. LDOff R.Sled FWD
6. dvd SL8 cm2. SPOff L.Sled REV
7. DVD DL8 cm3. FocusOff
8. CD8 cm4. TRK.Off
9. SACD8 cm5. SledOff
0. Reset SLED TILT6. CLVAOff
EMG. 00
7. FCS. Srch Off
On this screen, select the disc type. To select the disc type, press
the number of the loaded disc. The selected disc type is displaSA. SI. EMG. 00yed0. Reset SLED TILT
at the bottom. Selecting [1] automatically selects and displays theDVD SL 12 cm
disc type. In case of wrong display, retry ODisc Check Memory�.
Also, opening the tray causes the set disc type to be cleared. InOn this screen, the servo on/off control necessary for replay is
this case, set the disc type again after loading.executed. Normally, turn on each servo from 1 sequentially and
In performing manual operation, the disc type must be set.when CLVA is turned on, the usual trace mode becomes active. In
Once the disc type has been selected, the sector address or timethe trace mode, DVD sector address or CD time code is displayed.
code display field will appear as shown below. TThese vhis is not displayed wheralues aree the spindle is not locked.
displayed when PLL is locked.The spindle could run overriding the control if the spindle system
is faulty or RF is not present. In such a case, do not operate CLVA.
Disc Type
1. Disc Type Auto Check
2. DVD SL12 cm
3. DVD DL12 cm
4. CD12cm
5. SACD12 cm
6. dvd SL8 cm
7. DVD DL8 cm
8. CD8 cm
9. SACD8 cm
0. Reset SLED TILT
SA. SI. EMG. 00
DVD SL 12 cm
Display when DVD SL 12cm disc was selected
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