Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
1TCKIClock signal input terminal Not used
2TMSIMode select signal input terminal Not used
3TDIIData input terminal Not used
4XTRSTIReset signal input terminal Not used
5DVDBK-Power supply terminal (+1.2V) (for back up core)
6XRSTISystem reset signal input from the power control "L": reset
7XADEVENTOWake up signal output to the power control
8CASINO_WAKEICD lid open/close switch input terminal "L": close, "H": open
9DCINMNTIDC input voltage monitor input terminal
10KEY1ITop panel key input terminal (A/D input)
11AVSAD-Ground terminal
12RMKEYIRemote commander key input terminal (NF430: US and NF431 models only)
13BATMNTIBattery voltage monitor input terminal
14CHGMNTICharge voltage monitor input terminal Not used
15AVDAD-Power supply terminal (+2V) (for A/D converter)
16DVDD-Power supply terminal (+1.2V) (for core)
17X_HOLD_IIHOLD switch input terminal "L": hold on
18OPENI/O Not used
19AMUTE_OOAudio muting on/off control signal output to the headphone amplifier "H": muting on
20VSS-Ground terminal
21VDIO-Power supply terminal (+2V) (for I/O)
22ECOOChip enable signal output to the power supply circuit
23LCD_XRST_OOReset signal output to the liquid crystal display "L": reset
24HG_STB_OOStrobe signal output to the optical pick-up block
25OPENI/O Not used
26HG_GUPOGain-up signal output to the optical pick-up block
27CLOCK_SHIFTOTuner clock shift signal output terminal
28VOL_LATCHOLatch signal output to the headphone amplifier
29DBG_MNT_OONot used
30DBG_MNT_IINot used
31TSBI/O Communication two-way data bus with remote commander (NF430: US and NF431 models only)
32XEEPROM_CSOChip select signal output to the EEPROM
33XSCK1OSerial clock signal output to the liquid crystal display
34SO1OSerial data output to the liquid crystal display
35SI1ISerial data input from the liquid crystal display
36LCD_CSOChip select signal output to the liquid crystal display
37SCK0OSerial clock signal output to the FM/AM/TV tuner, power control and EEPROM
38SO0OSerial data output to the FM/AM/TV tuner, power control and EEPROM
39VSS-Ground terminal
40SI0ISerial data input from the FM/AM/TV tuner and EEPROM
41POW.LATCHOLatch signal output to the power control
42TU_BEEPOBeep signal output to the headphone amplifier
43FGIFG signal input from the motor/coil drive
44TDOOData output terminal Not used
45RTCKONot used
46ATESTINot used
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