6. White Balance Adjustment (VF-115 Board)
Note 3:The specified value is the adjustment value duringCorrect the white balance.
adjustment. The specified value during operation check isIf deviated, the reproduction of the EVF screen may degenerate.
as follows.
Adjusting method:
1) Set data: 01 to page: 0, address: 01.
Pin !� of CN9928 (VCO) on
CB-58 board (Note 1)Measurement pointMeasurement point
Check on EVF screen
Measuring instrumentOscilloscope (DC range)Measuring instrument
Adjustment page D
Adjustment page D
Adjustment address70, 71Adjustment address78
The EVF screen should not be colored.AUTO ON distance:Specified value
Specified value
Above 9 cm, less than 11 cm (Note2)
2) Input the following data to page: D, address: 88 to 8D.AUTO OFF distance: Above 9 cm, less than 15 cm
Note:To write in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM), pressAUTO ON distance: Above 7 cm, less than 13 cm
the PAUSE button of the adjusting remote commander
each time to set the data.Switch setting:
3) Set the data of page: D, address: 70 and 71 to the initial value.1) Set the OVF PW-SAVE� on the menu display to OON�.
Note:To write in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM), press
Adjustment preparation:
Address88898A8B8C8D1) Prepare a 30 cm X 30 cm white paper, and place it 10 cm away
from the EVF lens.Data002700000000
the PAUSE button of the adjusting remote commanderAdjusting method:
each time to set the data.1) Set data: 01 to page: 0, address: 01.
4) Check that the EVF screen is not colored. If colored, change the2) Input the following data to page: D, address: 88 to 8D.
data of page: D, address: 70 and 71 so that the EVF screen is notNote:To write in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM), press
colored.the PAUSE button of the adjusting remote commander
Note:To write in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM), presseach time to set the data.
Address70713) Increase the data of page: D, address: 78, and turn on the
4) Decrease the data of page: D, address: 78 slowly, and turn off
the PAUSE button of the adjusting remote commanderthe backlight.
each time to set the data.5) Press the PAUSE button of the adjusting remote commander.
5) Input the following data to page: D, address: 88 to 8D.6) Move the white paper away from the EVF lens and turn off the
Note:To write in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM), pressbacklight. Then move it to the lens slowly, and check that the
the PAUSE button of the adjusting remote commanderbacklight lights up when the distance (AUTO ON distance) is
each time to set the data.the specified value.
6) Set data: 00 to page: 0, address: 01.
7. AUTO ON Level Adjustment (VF-115 Board)
Adjust the power save sensor, and maintain at the level at which the
backlight is AUTO ON.7) Move the white paper near the EVF lens so that the backlight
Note 1:Backlight is lit: Approx. +1.8 Vdclights up. and then move it away, and check that the backlight
Address88898A8B8C8Dgoes off when the distance (AUTO OFF distance) is the specified
Data380020200200value of Note 3.
Backlight is not lit: Approx. �0.5 Vdc8) Input the following data to page: D, address: 88 to 8D.
Note 2:Do not perform this adjustment in strong light or underNote:To write in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM), press
the PAUSE button of the adjusting remote commander
lights.each time to set the data.
9) Set data: 00 to page: 0, address: 01.
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