After correcting the original service problem, perform the following
safety checks before releasing the set to the customer.
1.Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly-soldered4.Look for parts which, through functioning, show obvious signs
connections. Check the entire board surface for solder splashesof deterioration. Point them out to the customer and
and bridges.recommend their replacement.
2.Check the interboard wiring to ensure that no wires are5.Check the B+ voltage to see it is at the values specified.
"pinched" or contact high-wattage resistors.6.Flexible Circuit Board Repairing
3.Look for unauthorized replacement parts, particularlyYKeep the temperature of the soldering iron around 270uC
transistors, that were installed during a previous reduring repairing.pair. Point
them out to the customer and recommend their replacement.YDo not touch the soldering iron on the same conductor of the
circuit board (within 3 times).
YBe careful not to apply force on the conductor when soldering
or unsoldering.
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