5-4-2. Tracking Adjustment (Refer to Fig. 5-6.)5-4-3. No.7 Guide (TG7) Adjustment
(Refer to Fig. 5-7.)
1) Playback the tracking alignment tape WR5-1NP (NTSC), WR5-
1CP (PAL) (Ref. No. J-6).1) Playback the tape and set the REV mode.
2) Adjust the No.3 guide until the envelope at the entrance side2) Confirm that tape slack does not occur in between the No.6
waveform becomes flat.guide (TG6) 1 and capstan 2. If any tape slack occurs, rotate
3) Adjust the No.6 guide until the envelope at the ethe TG7 xit sidenut 4 of the No.7 guide (TG7) 3 to remove the tape
waveform becomes flat.slack.
3) Playback the tape again and confirm that tape slack does not
I The TG-3/6 zenith adjustment screws do not need to be adjustedoccur between the capstan .2 and No.7 guide (TG7) 3. If the
tape slack occurs exceeding the specifications (specifications:
0.5 mm or less), rotate the 4 to makTG7 nut e the tape slack
below the specifications (0.5 mm). When the tape slack between
the No.6 guide (TG6) 1 and capstan 2 is 0.3 mm or less in
No.6 guide
the REV mode, it means that the adjustment is completed.(TG6)
No.3 guide
2 Capstan
1 No.6 guide4 TG7 nut
3 No.7 guide
Guide zenith adjustment screw
Fig. 5-6.
Tape slack
Fig. 5-7.
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