SymptomCheck these items
Trouble symptoms and remedies
Picture is ghostingY Eliminate the use of video cable extensions and/or video switch boxes.
If the problem is caused by the connected computer or other equipment, please refer to the connected equipmentOs instruction manual.Y Check that all plugs are Ţrmly seated in their sockets.
Use the self-diagnosis function (page 16) if the following recommendations do not resolve the problem.Picture is not centered or sizYed Adjust the size or centering (page 10). Note that some video modes do not Ţll the screen
properlyto the edges.
SymptomCheck these items
Edges of the image are curvedY Select PIN/PIN BALANCE, KEY/KEYBALANCE, or ROTATION, and adjust the
No picturepictureOs shape and rotation (page 10, 11).
If the 1 (power) indicator is not litY Check that the power cord is properly connected.Wavy or elliptical pattern (moire) Y Select CANCEL MOIRE and adjust the moire cancellation effect (page 12).
Y Check that the 1 (power) switch is in the Oon� visible
xProblems caused by the connected computer or other equipment
If the NO INPUT SIGNAL message Y Check that the video signal cable is properly connected and all plugs are Ţrmly seated in Y Change your desktop pattern.
appears on the screen, or if the 1 their sockets (page 6).
Color is not uniformY Degauss the monitor* (page 12). If you place equipment that generates a magnetic Ţeld,
(power) indicator is either orange or Y Check that the HD15 video input connectorOs pins are not bent or pushed in.
such as a speaker, near the monitor, or if you change the direction the monitor faces, color
alternating between green and
xProblems caused by the connected computer or other equipmentmay lose uniformity.
orangeY The computer is in power saving mode. Try pressing any key on the computer keyboard.
White does not look whiteY Adjust the color temperature (page 11).
Y Check that the computerOs power is Oon.�
Y Check that the graphic board is completely seated in the proper bus slot.A hum is heard right after the Y This is the sound of the auto-degauss cycle. When the power is turned on, the monitor is
power is turned onautomatically degaussed for Ţve seconds.
If the OUT OF SCAN RANGE xProblems caused by the connected computer or other equipment
message appears on the screenY Check that the video frequency range is within that speciŢed for the monitor. If you * If a second degauss cycle is needed, allow a minimum interval of 20 minutes for the best result. A humming noise may be heard, but this is not a
replaced an old monitor with this monitor, reconnect the old monitor and adjust the malfunction.
frequency range to the following.
Horizontal: 30 � 70 kHzDisplaying this monitorOs name, serial number, If the problem persists, call your authorized Sony dealer and give
Vertical: 48 � 120 Hzand date of manufacture (INFORMATION)the following information.
Y Model name: CPD-E100
If no message is displayed and the 1 Y Use the Self-diagnosis function (page 16).
Y Serial number
(power) indicator is green or �ashing 1Press the center of the control button.
Y Name and specifications of your computer and graphics board.
orangeThe main MENU appears on the screen.US
If using Windows 95/98Y If you replaced an old monitor with this monitor, reconnect the old monitor and do the 2Move the control button m/M to highlight
following. Install the Windows Monitor Information Disk (page 7) and select this monitor LANGUAGE/INFORMATION and press the center of
(OCPD-E100�) from among the Sony monitors in the Windows 95/98 monitor selection
the control button again.
screen.The LANGUAGE/INFORMATION menu appears on the
If using a Macintosh systemY Check that the Macintosh adapter (not supplied) and the video signal cable are properly screen.
connected (page 6).
Picture �ickers, bounces, Y Isolate and eliminate any potential sources of electric or magnetic Ţelds such as other 3Move the control button m/M to select
oscillates, or is scrambledmonitors, laser printers, electric fans, �uorescent lighting, or televisions.(INFORMATION).
1-6This monitorOs information box appears on the screen.
Y Move the monitor away from power lines or place a magnetic shield near the monitor.
Y Try plugging the monitor into a different AC outlet, preferably on a different circuit.
Y Try turning the monitor 90° to the left or right.ExampleLANGUAGE/ INFORMATION
xProblems caused by the connected computer or other equipment
Y Check your graphics board manual for the proper monitor setting.MODEL:CPD-E100SERIAL:12345678
Y ConŢrm that the graphics mode (VESA, Macintosh 16" Color, etc.) and the frequency of MANUFACTURED:1999-52
the input signal are supported by this monitor (Appendix). Even if the frequency is within SELECTEXIT
the proper range, some video boards may have a sync pulse that is too narrow for the
monitor to sync correctly.
Y Adjust the computerOs refresh rate (vertical frequency) to obtain the best possible picture.
Picture is fuzzyY Adjust the brightness and contrast (page 9).
Y Degauss the monitor* (page 12).
Y Select CANCEL MOIRE and adjust the moire cancellation effect (page 12).
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