The CCM-DS250 consists of the four circuit boards and3-2. DCP-10 BOARD
the lens unit
1 BI-117 board (Ref. No. 201 and higher)(1) Main Signal Processing System
. CCD image sensor and its peripheral circuitThe CCD output signal that is supplied from the BI-117
2 LD-75 board (Ref. No. 101 and higher)board (CN301 pin-13), is input to IC301 pins-25 and -26.
. Lens control switchThe CCD output signal receives CDS (Correlated Double
Sampling) in IC301 where only the video signal is
. Lens iris drive circuit
separated. The video signal is amplified by the gain
3 DCP-10 board (Ref. No. 301 and higher, No. 401 and
control amplifier and is output from pin-8.
The output signal from pin-8 is sent to IC304 pin-39 where
. CCD drive circuit
the signal is A/D converted. The higher 9 bits (IC304 pins-
. Camera signal processing
2 to -5 and pins-8 to -12) of the A/D converted signal are
. Zoom and focus lens drive circuit
input to the camera signal processing IC306 pins-83 to -91.
4 IF-594 board (Ref. No. 501 and higher, No. 601 and
After receiving the various signal processing in IC306, the Y/C
signal is separated into the 8-bit Y signal (IC306 pins-31 to -38)
. DC/DC converter circuit
and the 8-bit U/V signal (output in time-division multiplexed)
. IEEE 1394 PHY & LINK
(IC306 pins-9 to -12) and are output from IC306. These signals
. FIFO for image data
are sent to IF-594 board via CN303 pins-17 to -28.
. FIFO controller for image data
5 Lens unit (LSV-140A)
(2) Camera Timing Signals Generator System
. Inner focus type
The clock signal that becomes the source of the CCD drive
.x12 motor-powered zoomsystem and of the sync system of the video signal, is generated
by X301 and IC303. X301 oscillates at the frequency of 34.05
MHz that is 1.2 times the frequency of what is described in the
3-1. BI-117 BOARDPAL system. Therefore, the CCD drive pulse generator IC
(IC303) and the pulse generator IC (IC306) generate a pulse
The CCD image sensor (IC201) receives the drive pulseshaving 1.2 times the frequency of what is described in the PAL
that are supplied from the DCP-10 board which issystem. The pulse width is 5/6 times.
described later. V1, V2, V3 and V4 are the drive pulsesThe timing generator IC (IC303) outputs the MCK (IC303
for the vertical transfer block. H1 and H2 are the drivepin-9) and the CL (IC303 pin-12) from its input pulse
pulses for the horizontal transfer block. The voltage values(IC303 pin-7).
that are specified individually by the internal board bias,The MCK and the CL are input to the sync pulse generator
are supplied to VSUB. The pulse for the electronic shutterIC (IC306 pins-75 and -78). The horizontal sync and
vertical sync pulses that are required by the timing
is superposed to this DC-bias signal. The RG is the pulse
generator IC, are output from IC306 pins-56 and -57, and
for the output circuit inside the CCD image sensor and is
are sent to IC303 pins-44 and -45. The CCD drive pulses
superposed to the individually specified DC voltage.
are generated from these timing pulses. The H1 and the
The output signal from the CCD image sensor is output
H2 (IC303 pins-21 and -22) are sent to the BI-117 board
from pin-8, buffered by Q201 and is sent to the DCP-10
directly. The RG (IC303 pin-18) is superposed by the DC
value that is indicated on the back of the CCD, and sent to
the BI-117 board. The V1 to V4 (IC303 pins-26, -25, -29
and -32), and the SG1 and SG2 (IC303 pins-27 and -30)
are sent to the BI-117 board via the inverting driver IC302.
At the same time, the pulse for the electronic shutter
(IC303 pin-24) is output vial the same IC.
The sync pulses that are required by the IF-594 board, are
the 34.05 MHz master oscillator pulse after it is buffered
by IC312, the aforementioned MCK (IC306 pin-9) and VD
(IC306 pin-51), HD (IC306 pin-50) and FLD (IC306 pin-
53) that are the sync pulses of video output. These pulses
are sent to the IF-594 board from CN303.
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