2-4. Circuit Description
2-4. Circuit Description
This unit consists of the following three systems:
. Power supply system
. Control system
. Monitor output system
Power Supply System
AC240 V or DC150 V from the CCU is input to the CA-905K/905F via a TRIAX cable. The voltage
input from the CCU is supplied to the camera via CA-905K/905F. Also, the power unit inside the
CA-905K/905F supplies DC 12 V.
The power supply system consists of the following five boards:
. LF-47 board
. PS-546 board
. PS-561 board
. PS-562 board
. IF-731 board
LF-47 board
A voltage supplied from the CCU is sent to the camera cable and the power unit through the LF-47 board.
PS-546/PS-561/PS-562 boards
Above boards create the DC 12 V necessary for CA-905K/905F from AC240 V or DC 150 V supplied by
CCU. Also they create the voltage for driving the lens and viewfinder.
IF-731 board
This board creates DC +7.5 V, DC +5 V, and DC _3 V from the DC 12 V supplied from the power unit.
Control System
As the CA-905K/905F is not provided with a microcomputer, the camera is controlled by the CA-905K/
905F through the remote connector (bus line) of the camera adapter (such as a CA-570/570P).
The control system consists of the following four boards:
. IF-731 board
. CN-1762 board
. SW-993 board
. MS-60 board (BKP-9057)
IF-731 and CN-1762 boards
The large studio lens and the camera lens signals are connected to the IF-731 board via the CN-1762
board. The I/O ports IC for controlling the studio lens is mounted on the IF-731 board.
SW-993 board
The operation panel is equipped with the unit in order to control the camera from the CA-905 like a
general studio camera. This allows for control the monitor select, filter control, cursor control, switch
control and menu select functions through the I/O ports IC on the SW-993 board.
MS-60 board (BKP-9057)
The control IC which is used for displaying the return video on the viewfinder, is equipped with the MS-
60 board.
CA-905 MMP12-5 (E) |