Abgleich / AlignmentCUC 1825 / 1826
Alignment PreparationsAlignment Process
1.11 PictureWith button "6" call up "Geometry" via "Dialog Center" �> "Service"Via the menu guide, select the geometry values for the
geometry�> "for authorised dealer "�> "Code Number 8500 "�> (menuvertical deflection first, then set the values for the horizontal
Feed in a test generator pattern or a standard test pattern into the
aerial socket.
With 4 or 3 button, move the picture into the centre of the
Attention: The "Line shift" alignment influences the line phase.raster. Re-adjust the horizontal amplitude according to the
Before this adjustment, set the horizontal amplitude to minimumtest pattern.
and if necessary correct the raster position with the "H-Shift" plug.
Reset:Call up "End without memory" and change to "End with
The "Reset" menu contains:memory" with the 4 or 3 button .
- either the optimum picture geometry data entered in theStore the setting with the "OK" button.
- or the average data set read out from the ROM if the TVWhenever the TV is switched on the picture geometry is set
has been switched on with the emergency data set.to the value stored last.
On misalignment, these basic values can be re-loaded at
any time as follows:
With button "6" call up the "Reset" menu via "Dialog Center
"�> "Service" �> "for authorised dealer" �> "Code Number
8500" �> (menu guide) and confirm with "OK".
1.12 Adjustment ofThe bridge coil L53074 is adjusted at the factory andCheck the pulse width of the oscillograms and correct it if
the bridge coilshould not be readjusted any more.necessary with coil L53074 so that it is the same for both
L53074With button "6" call up the "Geometry" menu via "Dialogoscillograms.
Center" �> "Service" �> "for authorised dealer" �> "Code
Number 8500" �> (menu guide)
- Set the horizontal amplitude (width) to minimum.
- Oscilloscope channel 1: collector T53001.
- Oscilloscope channel 2: cathode D53072.
1.13 Line- Select the convergence test pattern:With the focus control on the picture tube panel adjust
sharpness- Contrast (W) to maximum.the horizontal lines for maximum sharpness.
- Set the brightness (R) so that the black background of
the test pattern is just brightening.
1.14.1 Noise reduc-Call up the "Noise reduct." menu with the red key viaWith the 4 3 buttons the noise reduction ("Off", "Auto",
tion on per-"Picture settings" �> "OK Personal" �> (menu guide)."High!") can be changed for each programme. The setting
programmeis stored when terminating the menu.
1.14.2 all pro-With button "6" call up the "Noise reduct." menu via "DialogWith the 4 3 buttons the noise reduction can be switched
grammesCenter" �> "Service" �> (menu guide).on or off simultaneously for all programmes 1...99.
2. Picture Tube Panel
Measuring instruments: High-resistance voltmeter
Service works after replacement or repair of:
- picture tube, picture tube panel: Alignment no. 2.1 and 2.2
AlignmentPreparationsAlignment Process
2.1.White balance - Feed in a grey scale black/white test pattern with burst.With the 4 3 buttons set the values for VG and VB so that
see 1.6- Set white balance to mid-position.the white area becomes achromatic.
- Contrast (W) to maximum.
- Colour contrast (E) to mid-position.
- Screen brightness (R) to mid-position.
- Switch off "Perfect Clear" (red key �> Picture settingsUse the ?"" key to call up the default values stored in
�> OK Personal).EPROM IC80060.
With "6" call up "White bal." via "Dialog Center" �> "Service" �>The setting is stored when terminating the menu.
"for authorised dealer" �> "Code Number 8500" �> (menu guide).
2.2.Screen grid- Switch off "Perfect Clear" (red key �> Picture settingsWith UG2 (right control of the regulating section) on the
voltage UG2�> OK Personal).picture tube panel set the voltage to 162.5V?2.5V.
- Switch the TV receiver to AV mode.
- Feed in a black raster.
- Adjust the screen brightness so that the grey area just
becomes dark.
- Connect the high-resistance voltmeter with ca. 220 kW serial
resistance to R, G, B test point with the highest voltage level.
2 - 6GRUNDIG Service |