General working instructionsBasic working techniques
Safety instructions while working
? This section takes up the basic safety precautions for ? Always ensure you have a
working with the and Ţ rm foothold.
? If you encounter a situation where you are uncertain
how to proceed you should ask an expert. Contact your
dealer or your service workshop.? Always hold the machine with
both hands. Hold the ma-
? Avoid all usage which you consider to be beyond your chine of the right-hand side
capability.your the body.
Basic safety precautions
? Make sure your hands and
feet do not come into con-
1. Observe your surroundings:tact with the blade when the
engine is running.
? To ensure that people, animals or other things cannot affect
your control of the machine.
? When the engine is switched
? To ensure that the above mentioned do not come into contact off, keep your hands and feet
with the cutting equipment or objects that can be thrown by away from the blade until it
the cutting equipment.has stopped.
? NOTE! Never use a machine without the possibility of calling
for help in the event of an accident.
? Always cut edges at full throt-
2. Avoid usage in unfavour-
able weather conditions. ? Always keep the blade close to the ground.
For example, thick fog,
heavy rain, strong winds ? Always drop to idling speed after each working operation.
or extreme cold, etc. Longer periods running at full throttle without loading the
To work in bad weather engine (that is without resistance, which the engine feels from
conditions is tiring and can the cutting equipment when trimming) can lead to serious
create dangerous cir-engine damage.
cumstances, e.g. slippery
surfaces.? Be especially careful when pulling the edger towards you dur-
ing work.
? If heavy vibrations occur, stop the engine. Remove the spark
3. Make sure you can walk plug cable from the spark plug. Check that the machine is not
and stand safely. Look damaged. Repair any damage.
out for any obstacles with
unexpected movement
(roots, stones, branches,
pits, ditches, etc.). Take
Sometimes grass and stones can collect in
great care when working !
the blade guard and blade. Always stop the
on sloping ground.
engine when cleaning.
Beware of thrown objects. Always wear eye
!protection. Never lean over the blade guard.
Stones rubbish etc. can be thrown up into the
eyes resulting in blindness or other serious
4. The engine should be switched off before moving.
Keep unauthorised persons at a distance.
Children, animals, onlookers and helpers
5. Never put the machine down with the engine running un-
should be outside the safety zone of 15 me-
less you have good sight of it.
ters (50 feet). Stop the machine immediately if
anyone approaches.
The bevel gear unit can get hot during use
and may remain so for a while afterwards.
There is a risk of slight burns if you touch it.
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