1050MD/DM-5090(K) COVER 97.11.28 2:25 AM y[W 23
< Don't output the laser power of 7.0mW more than 15sec.6. Press the ENTER key to display "EFB=##XSAVE"
7. Next turn the JOG DIAL to display "LDPWR CHECK".momentarily. After that, "EF=$##MOR" is displayed.
(Laser power READ power, focus servo ON, tracking
8. Press ENTER key to display "(0.9mW)$##". Check theservo OFF, and spindle(S) servo ON.)
laser power meter reads 0.85-0.95mW.7. Turn the JOG DIAL so that the waveform on the oscillo-
9. Next set range 10mW of the laser power meter, thenscope satisfies the specified value. (When the JOG DIAL
press ENTER key to display "(7.0mW)$##". Confirm thatis turned, the #-marked figure in "EF-##" changes and
the laser power meter and digital voltmeterat that timethe waveform also changes.) During this adjustment, the
read the specified value.oscilloscope changes in units of about 2%. Adjust so that
the waveform comes nearest to the specified value. (MO
Specification :
Reading of laser power meter : 7.0 ?0.1 mWgroove read power traverse adjustment)
(Traverse waveform)
Reading of digital voltmeter : Optical pick-up indication value
(optical pick-up label)KMS260A
(Optical pick-up label)27x40
In this case, lop = 82.5 mA
lop(mA) = Reading of digital voltmeter (mV)/1(In this case, lop = 82.5 1m)A
lop(m A) = Reading of digital voltm eter(m V)/1(1)Specification : A = B
10.Press the ENTER key to display OLDPWR CHECK� and8. Press the ENTER key to display OEFB=##XSAVE�
momentarily and save the adjustment result in non-
stop the laser emission. (The DELETE key can be
pressed at any time to stop the laser emission.)volatile memory After that, "EFBAL MO-P" is displayed.
9. Press ENTER key to display "EF=$##MOP".(A pick-up
Note : The "#" display on the screen indicates an arbitrary
figure.moves automatically to pit block area.)
10.Turn the JOG DIAL so that the waveform on the oscillo-
5-6. Traverse Adjustmentscope comes near to the specified value. During this
adjustment, the waveform changes in units of about 2%.
Connection :
Adjust so that the waveform comes nearest to the speci-
fied value.Oscilloscope
X33(Traverse waveform)
V: 0.5V/div H: 10ms/div
INPUT: DC mode
Adjustment :Specification : A = B
1. Connect the oscilloscope to (TE2) and (VC) on the X3311.Press the ENTER key to display OEFB=##XSAVE�
momentarily and save the adjustment result in non-
2. Insert a commercial recordable disc.volatile memory. After that, OEFBAL CHANGE� is dis-
3. Turn the JOG DIAL to display OEFBAL ADJUST�.
played. The disc rotation stops automatically.
4. Press the ENTER key to display OEFBAL MO-W� and
after that press the ENTER key again to display
Note : The "#" display on the screen indicates an arbitrary
5. Turn the JOG DIAL so that the waveform on the oscillo-figure.
scope satisfies the specified value. (When the JOG DIAL
is turned, the #-marked figure in "EF=$##" changes and12.Press the EJECT key to take out a recordable disc.
13.Insert test disc TGYS-1.
the waveform also changes.)During this adjustment, the
oscilloscope changes in units of about 3%. Adjust so14.Press the ENTER key to display OEF=$##CD�. A servo
is established automatically.
that the waveform comes nearest to the specified value.
(MO groove read power traverse adjustment)15.Turn the JOG DIAL so that the waveform on the oscillo-
scope comes near to the specified value. During this
(Traverse waveform)
adjustment, the waveform changes in units of about 2%.
Adjust so that the waveform comes nearest to the speci-
fied value.
(Traverse waveform)
Specification : A = B
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